
“繪”書寫 “慧”成長——鹽關街幼稚園幼小銜接活動之學習準備篇

{"info":{"title":{"content":"“繪”書寫 “慧”成長——鹽關街幼稚園幼小銜接活動之學習準備篇","en":"\"Drawing\" and Writing \"Wisdom\" Growth - Learning Preparation for the Kindergarten Transition Activity in Yanguan Street Kindergarten"},"description":{"content":"彎曲細碎的線條無法言說的符号豐富具象的繪畫看似毫無邏輯的塗寫圈點勾勒出無限可能的奇妙世界讓我們走進船山區鹽關街幼稚園大班...","en":"The curved and broken lines, the indescribable symbols, the rich and figurative paintings, the seemingly illogical scribbles, the circles outline the wonderful world of infinite possibilities, let us enter the kindergarten class of Yanguan Street in Chuanshan District..."}},"items":[]}