

{"info":{"title":{"content":"“風水輪流轉”,如今44歲阿雅,已經成長為大S望塵莫及的模樣","en":"\"Feng Shui takes turns\", and now 44-year-old Aya has grown into an appearance beyond the reach of Big S"},"description":{"content":"話說回來,阿雅,這回她把過去的桃花債都算清了,直接逆襲變身為炙手可熱的主持天後。當年那兩位“台灣女神”大S和小S,如今似...","en":"Having said that, Aya, this time she settled all the peach blossom debts in the past, and directly counterattacked and transformed into a hot host diva. The two \"Taiwanese goddesses\" big S and little S back then seem to be..."}},"items":[]}