
52-year-old tea enthusiast embarks on new journey as graduate student

52-year-old tea enthusiast embarks on new journey as graduate student

In front of the live streaming camera, Xiao Zhaohu is passionately sharing his knowledge about tea and related topics. Even though he is 52 years old, his eyes sparkle with joy, and his friendly smile seems to transcend the screen. In a remarkable feat, he successfully passed the entrance exam for a graduate program in tea studies in just 100 days.

Xiao Zhaohu, originally an executive at a media company, felt a desire to break free from the monotony of his life trajectory. With a longing to explore new horizons, he fully immersed himself in the tea industry. In order to systematically study tea and agricultural knowledge, he chose to pursue graduate studies at an older age. As one of the first users of ChatGPT in China, he maximized its utility during his exam preparation, leveraging its capabilities to enhance his learning experience.

52-year-old tea enthusiast embarks on new journey as graduate student

Xiao's journey to pursue graduate studies was sparked by a dinner conversation with colleagues, during which one mentioned a classmate who had successfully switched fields to study calligraphy. This conversation resonated with Xiao, who was already contemplating new paths while seeking markets for the tea produced by his father in their hometown in Guizhou Province. Since 2007, his father had been cultivating Zheng'an white tea on several acres of land, yielding around 100 kilograms of tea leaves annually.

52-year-old tea enthusiast embarks on new journey as graduate student

In the early hours of September 2023, Xiao Zhaohu experienced a sudden epiphany as the two threads of selling tea and pursuing further education converged in his mind. It was then that he had a moment of inspiration: "Why not pursue a graduate degree in tea studies?"

52-year-old tea enthusiast embarks on new journey as graduate student

Transitioning into a new field at his age presented significant challenges, especially regarding memory retention.

To overcome this hurdle, Xiao turned to AI for assistance. He inputted all collected past exam questions into the AI system and used it to generate answers, continuously refining his approach based on his experiences with ChatGPT. He also scanned reference materials into ChatGPT to create a knowledge base, allowing the AI to prioritize using this content to answer questions. Furthermore, Xiao had ChatGPT go through the past exam questions again, adding more specific constraints to optimize the answers. In the week leading up to the exam, he had the AI summarize key points for each question and provide mnemonic devices, which he turned into rhymes or chants to aid his memory, effectively overcoming his memory challenges. The use of AI significantly improved Xiao's efficiency in exam preparation, boosting his confidence in achieving success.

For Xiao Zhaohu, passing the graduate entrance exam was just the beginning of a new chapter in his life. After completing the interview process, he returned to his hometown and embarked on a journey of public service through live streaming to support local farmers. Utilizing platforms like video-sharing apps and social media, Xiao has conducted numerous live broadcasts where he enthusiastically shares his knowledge of tea and promotes the unique tea products of his hometown, Zheng'an. Looking ahead, Xiao aims to inspire more young people from his hometown to join him in promoting local agricultural products through live streaming, thus establishing effective channels for promotion and sales.

Reflecting on his journey, Xiao acknowledges the accumulation of experience he has gained over the past thirty years in the media industry since graduating from college. With life expectancy increasing, Xiao sees his current age of 52 as just the beginning of a new thirty-year journey. In this next phase of his life, he embraces the role of a perpetual learner, eagerly exploring and accumulating knowledge in the tea industry.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News










文丨記者 譚潔文 實習生 張寶怡

