

{"info":{"title":{"content":"随縣二中舉行“我為學校添光彩”演講比賽","en":"Suixian No. 2 Middle School held a speech contest of \"I add glory to the school\"."},"description":{"content":"涢水之濱,琵琶湖畔。随縣二中,七十餘載耕耘不辍,譜就宏偉華章。撫今追昔,物換星移。杏壇園丁,三尺講台持恒奮勉,化育桃李芬...","en":"On the shore of the water, on the shore of Lake Biwa. Suixian No. 2 Middle School, more than 70 years of hard work, the spectrum is magnificent. Reminiscing about the past, things change and the stars change. Xingtan gardener, the three-foot podium holds perseverance and hard work, and cultivates peach Li Fen..."}},"items":[]}