

{"info":{"title":{"content":"市中醫院舉辦\"雁回歸\"名醫大型坐診活動","en":"The Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine held a large-scale consultation activity of \"Wild Goose Return\" famous doctors"},"description":{"content":"5月2日,市中醫院舉辦\"雁回歸\"名醫心系家鄉情、返鄉坐診暖人心大型坐診活動。此次活動,市中醫院特别邀請了在京、在冀的晉州...","en":"On May 2, the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine held a large-scale consultation activity of \"Wild Goose Return\" famous doctors who cared about their hometown and returned to their hometowns to warm people's hearts. In this event, the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine specially invited Jinju in Beijing and Hebei..."}},"items":[]}