

{"info":{"title":{"content":"周鴻祎拍賣邁巴赫600反轉?買主褚會長還沒付錢?周鴻祎群聊怒了","en":"Zhou Hongyi auctioned the Maybach 600 to reverse? The buyer, Chairman Chu, hadn't paid yet? Zhou Hongyi was angry in the group chat"},"description":{"content":"周鴻祎這幾天熱度爆棚,先是說要賣掉座駕邁巴赫600,然後支援中國新能源車企,結果360樓下擺滿了給紅衣教主送過來的各種新...","en":"Zhou Hongyi has been hot these days, first saying that he would sell the Maybach 600, and then support China's new energy car companies, but the 360 downstairs was full of all kinds of new ones sent to the red-clothed sect leader."}},"items":[]}