

{"info":{"title":{"content":"小麥賣青儲,雖賺點蠅頭小利,但農民兄弟要識大體,顧全大局!","en":"Wheat is sold in green reserves, although it makes a little profit, but the farmer brothers must understand the general situation and take into account the overall situation!"},"description":{"content":"臨近芒種節氣,小麥也接近成熟期。農民伯伯也期待豐收的到來,但一些不良商家為了一點蠅頭小利,把不成熟的小麥當做飼料賣掉,說...","en":"Approaching the solar term of mango seeds, wheat is also approaching maturity. The farmer uncle is also looking forward to the arrival of a bumper harvest, but some unscrupulous merchants sell the immature wheat as feed for a little profit, saying..."}},"items":[]}