

{"info":{"title":{"content":"對比傷害大!李莫愁雪梨59歲像老太太,姑姑李若彤57歲像青年","en":"Li Mochou Sydney is 59 years old like an old lady, and her aunt Li Ruotong is 57 years old like a young woman"},"description":{"content":"都說沒有對比沒有傷害,這句話真是一點都不假,特别是在同年齡段的女星之間,尤為明顯。日前,梁小龍在社交賬号中分享了自己與雪...","en":"It is said that there is no harm in comparison, this sentence is really not false at all, especially among actresses of the same age, especially obvious. A few days ago, Liang Xiaolong shared his relationship with Xue in his social account..."}},"items":[]}