
你見過最離譜的鬧新娘是怎麼樣的?網友: 把新郎送上了救護車

{"info":{"title":{"content":"你見過最離譜的鬧新娘是怎麼樣的?網友: 把新郎送上了救護車","en":"What is the most outrageous bride you have ever seen? Netizen: Got the groom in an ambulance"},"description":{"content":"在您觀看此文之前,煩請您能動動發财的小手為小編點個“關注”,後期将為大家持續更新更多精彩文章。馬上就到五一了,又是一年一...","en":"Before you watch this article, please click \"Attention\" for the editor with your small hands that can move your fortune, and we will continue to update more wonderful articles for you in the future. It's May Day soon, and it's another year..."}},"items":[]}