

{"info":{"title":{"content":"新買的衣服要不要洗了再穿?多虧服裝店老闆及時叮囑,差點做錯了","en":"Should I wash my newly bought clothes before wearing them? Thanks to the timely advice of the clothing store owner, I almost made a mistake"},"description":{"content":"标題:新買的衣服要不要洗了再穿?多虧服裝店老闆及時叮囑,差點做錯了作為一個注重生活細節的人,我總是習慣在購買新衣服後先進...","en":"Title: Should I wash my newly bought clothes before wearing them?Thanks to the timely advice of the clothing store owner, I almost did something wrong As a person who pays attention to the details of life, I am always used to being advanced after buying new clothes..."}},"items":[]}