

{"info":{"title":{"content":"53歲馬克西瑪為國王慶生玩嗨了!穿綠裙頭上戴綠色蝴蝶,甜美減齡","en":"The 53-year-old Maxima celebrated the king's birthday! Wearing a green dress and a green butterfly on her head, she was sweet and young"},"description":{"content":"荷蘭迎來了一年一度的國王節,這個節日就是威廉亞曆山大的生日,年過半百的馬克西瑪可是玩嗨了,全程參與活動還與群眾互動,真的...","en":"The Netherlands ushered in the annual King's Day, this festival is the birthday of Willem-Alexander, and the more than half a hundred years old Máxima is having fun, participating in the whole process and interacting with the people, really..."}},"items":[]}