

{"info":{"title":{"content":"女子記恨婆婆照顧小姑子不給她做飯,吵着要離婚,結果被丈夫毒打","en":"The woman resented her mother-in-law for taking care of her sister-in-law and not cooking for her, and clamored for a divorce, but was severely beaten by her husband"},"description":{"content":"我叫李淑貞,今年35歲,是一名普通的家庭主婦。我和丈夫張偉在縣一個小城市生活,他在當地一家工廠上班。雖然我們的生活不算富...","en":"My name is Li Shuzhen, I am 35 years old this year, and I am an ordinary housewife. My husband Zhang Wei and I live in a small city in the county, and he works in a local factory. Although our lives are not rich..."}},"items":[]}