

{"info":{"title":{"content":"《說嶽全傳》十大猛将,嶽雲進不了前五,第一位戰鬥力堪比李元霸","en":"\"The Biography of Yue Quan\" is one of the top ten fierce generals, Yue Yun can't enter the top five, and the first combat effectiveness is comparable to Li Yuanba"},"description":{"content":"10、曹甯曹甯,這位嶽飛麾下的猛将,有兩個讓人矚目的特點。一是他手中的長槍,粗如碗口,揮舞起來虎虎生風;二是他被贊譽為比...","en":"10, Cao Ning Cao Ning, the fierce general under Yue Fei, has two remarkable characteristics. First, the spear in his hand, as thick as the mouth of a bowl, wielded with a tiger's wind;"}},"items":[]}
