

{"info":{"title":{"content":"好消息!金靴級歸化球員表态,6月能馳援國足,戰泰國沒啥壓力了","en":"Good news! The Golden Boot-level naturalized players said that they can help the national football team in June, and there is no pressure to play against Thailand"},"description":{"content":"好消息!金靴級歸化球員表态,6月能馳援國足,戰泰國沒啥壓力了不久前,U23國足0-2不敵U23南韓,加上日本2球虐了阿聯...","en":"Good news! Golden Boot-level naturalized players said that they can help the national football team in June, and there is no pressure to play against Thailand Not long ago, the U23 national football team lost 0-2 to U23 South Korea, plus Japan abused the United Arab Emirates by 2 goals..."}},"items":[]}
