

{"info":{"title":{"content":"看了季後賽8強G1四場比賽,才發現CBA争冠看似激烈,其實僅有遼疆","en":"watched the four games of the top 8 G1 in the playoffs, only to find that the CBA championship seems to be fierce, but in fact, there is only Liaojiang"},"description":{"content":"CBA8強的1\/4決賽的4場G1的比賽已經全部結束。和季後賽首輪12進8的G1比賽相比,8強之間的4場比賽則打的非常懸殊...","en":"The 4 G1 matches of the quarterfinals of the CBA top 8 have all ended. Compared with the G1 game of 12-in-8 in the first round of the playoffs, the four games between the top 8 are very different..."}},"items":[]}