

{"info":{"title":{"content":"裡水中學黨支部喜獲南海區黨建大比武第一名","en":"The party branch of Lishui Middle School won the first place in the party building competition in Nanhai District"},"description":{"content":"在4月19日上午舉行的南海區教育系統黨建大比武總決賽中,南海區裡水中學黨支部代表隊作為裡水教育系統代表,以全場最高分榮獲...","en":"In the finals of the party building competition of the education system of Nanhai District held on the morning of April 19, the party branch team of Lishui Middle School in Nanhai District, as the representative of the Lishui education system, won the highest score in the audience."}},"items":[]}