
十年真功夫泡出一杯好茶 襄陽高香茶向百億産業邁進

{"info":{"title":{"content":"十年真功夫泡出一杯好茶 襄陽高香茶向百億産業邁進","en":"Ten years of real effort to make a good cup of tea Xiangyang Gaoxiang Tea is moving towards a 10 billion industry"},"description":{"content":"4月15日,總投資5億元的襄陽國際旅遊茶城完成裝修,迎接全國200多家茶企和茶商入駐。該茶城将于4月20日開市,旨在打造...","en":"On April 15, Xiangyang International Tourism Tea City, with a total investment of 500 million yuan, completed the renovation and welcomed more than 200 tea enterprises and tea merchants across the country. The tea city will open on April 20 and aims to create..."}},"items":[]}