

{"info":{"title":{"content":"大關:明前茶香漫溢高山峽谷","en":"Daguan: Before the Ming Dynasty, the fragrance of tea overflowed the mountains and valleys"},"description":{"content":"明前茶是清明節前采制的茶葉,芽葉細嫩,色翠香幽,味醇形美,是茶中佳品。在大關縣,明前茶香漫溢出高山峽谷。明前茶,貴如金。...","en":"Ming Qian tea is the tea picked before the Qingming Festival, the buds and leaves are delicate, the color is green and fragrant, the taste is mellow and beautiful, it is the best product in the tea. In Daguan County, the fragrance of tea before the Ming Dynasty overflows the mountains and valleys. Tea before the Ming Dynasty is as expensive as gold. ..."}},"items":[]}