

{"info":{"title":{"content":"1950年,一名哈工大的學生一時嘴饞,就跑到食堂吃了一頓紅燒肉,卻沒承想,這不僅改變了他的命運,後來更是被錢學森點名要走","en":"In 1950, a student of Harbin Institute of Technology was greedy for a while, so he went to the cafeteria to eat a meal of braised pork, but he didn't think about it, which not only changed his fate, but was later named by Qian Xuesen to leave"},"description":{"content":"1950年,一名哈工大的學生一時嘴饞,就跑到食堂吃了一頓紅燒肉,卻沒承想,這不僅改變了他的命運,後來更是被錢學森點名要走...","en":"In 1950, a student of Harbin Institute of Technology was greedy for a while, so he went to the canteen to eat a meal of braised pork, but he didn't think about it, which not only changed his fate, but was later named by Qian Xuesen to leave..."}},"items":[]}
