

{"info":{"title":{"content":"西部排名再變化:太陽最吃香,湖人機會來了,國王下滑最嚴重!","en":"The Western rankings have changed again: the Suns are the most popular, the Lakers have a chance, and the Kings have slipped the most!"},"description":{"content":"今日賽程結果雷霆客場112-126不敵步行者,目前戰績52勝25負,排名西部第三,落後西部第二的掘金1個勝場。國王客場1...","en":"Today's schedule results The Thunder lost 112-126 to the Pacers on the road, and their current record is 52-25, ranking third in the West, one win behind the Nuggets, who are second in the West. Kings away 1..."}},"items":[]}