
龍年新春景⑤ | “龍”重登場!軍營的春節氛圍感拉滿

{"info":{"title":{"content":"龍年新春景⑤ | “龍”重登場!軍營的春節氛圍感拉滿","en":"龍年新春景⑤ | “龍”重登場!軍營的春節氛圍感拉滿"},"description":{"content":"鑼鼓喧天辭舊歲,喜慶祥龍迎新春這個春節火箭軍部隊為濃厚喜慶的節日氛圍開展了豐富多彩的康樂活動讓官兵和家屬們一起度過一個喜...","en":"Gongs and drums are noisy to bid farewell to the old year, festive and auspicious dragons welcome the new year, this Spring Festival, the rocket force units have carried out a variety of cultural and entertainment activities for a strong and festive atmosphere, so that the officers and soldiers and their families can spend a happy time together."}},"items":[]}