

{"info":{"title":{"content":"莫名汗多,總是冒虛汗,這是身體太虛了,中醫教你一招,輕松補虛","en":"Inexplicably sweating, always sweating, this is the body is too weak, Chinese medicine teaches you a trick, easy to make up for the deficiency"},"description":{"content":"莫名其妙汗流不止,總是冒虛汗,那就多是身體太虛了,氣虛管不住汗了!首先呢,就是早上出汗。中醫上講“晨起清陽升”,早上起床...","en":"Inexplicably sweating and sweating, it is mostly because the body is too weak and the qi deficiency can't control the sweat! First of all, it is sweating in the morning. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is said that \"the sun rises in the morning\", and when you get up in the morning..."}},"items":[]}