

{"info":{"title":{"content":"虞書欣接《祈今朝》竟是為支援朋友,她真的要将同類角色演到底嗎","en":"Yu Shuxin took \"Praying for the Present Dynasty\" to support her friends, does she really want to play the same role to the end"},"description":{"content":"近期,國産劇市場可以用“熱鬧非凡”來形容,因為仙俠題材的劇紮堆上線,前有《仙劍四》低調官宣定檔,後有《祈今朝》果斷官宣上...","en":"Recently, the domestic drama market can be described as \"lively and extraordinary\", because Xianxia-themed dramas have been launched, and there has been a low-key official announcement of \"Sword and Fairy IV\" in the past, and a decisive official announcement of \"Praying for the Present Dynasty\" in the past..."}},"items":[]}