

{"info":{"title":{"content":"伊朗與以色列緊張關系引發中東沖突:中國如何發揮作用?","en":"Iran-Israel tensions spark conflict in the Middle East: How can China play its role?"},"description":{"content":"前言中東混亂,中美發揮重要作用時至今日,中東地區的局勢仍然嚴峻,各種沖突不斷更新。在這場戰争中,中美兩國的作用愈發凸顯。...","en":"ForewordThe Middle East is chaotic, China and the United States play an important roleToday, the situation in the Middle East is still grim, and various conflicts are escalating. In this war, the role of China and the United States has become more and more prominent. ..."}},"items":[]}