
33 在戰俘營裡,被迫和尊嚴告别

{"info":{"title":{"content":"33 在戰俘營裡,被迫和尊嚴告别","en":"33 In a prisoner of war camp, forced to say goodbye to dignity"},"description":{"content":"幾乎在同日,又一名戰俘被槍殺。當時,他正躲在一邊偷偷吞吃一塊藏在身上多日已經發黴并風幹了的高粱米做的壓縮餅幹。一名美國士...","en":"Almost on the same day, another prisoner of war was shot dead. At the time, he was hiding aside and secretly devouring a compressed biscuit made of sorghum rice that had been moldy and dried on his body for many days. An American taxi..."}},"items":[]}