

{"info":{"title":{"content":"火箭重返西部前六!但聯盟“特殊”照顧成球隊重大隐患","en":"The Rockets returned to the top six in the West, but the league's \"special\" care became a major hidden danger for the team"},"description":{"content":"火箭重返西部前六!但聯盟“特殊”照顧成球隊重大隐患火箭客場擒下灰熊,再次打出五連勝。本賽季球隊戰績已經來到了13勝9負,...","en":"The Rockets returned to the top six in the West, but the league's \"special\" care became a major hidden danger for the team, and the Rockets beat the Grizzlies away and won five in a row again. The team's record this season has reached 13 wins and 9 losses,..."}},"items":[]}