
oracle時間飄移,Alter Log中VKTM時間drift漂移現象


本篇主要介紹Oracle vktm時間背景程序報警的Bug問題。

1、從11g VKTM程序談起


VKTM程序全稱為“Virtual Keeper of Time Process”,用于給資料庫運作和間隔運算計量提供出一個統一的時間服務。官方解釋是:

VKTM acts as a time publisher for an Oracle instance. VKTM publishes two sets of time: a wall clock time using a seconds interval and a higher resolution time (which is not wall clock time) for interval measurements. The VKTM timer service centralizes time tracking and offloads multiple timer calls from other clients.

在11g之前的版本中,如果資料庫執行個體(包括ASM和RAC Instance)需要目前時間的時候,都調用作業系統層面的時間擷取函數(例如:gettimeofday())。進入11g之後,這個動作就由統一的VKTM負責完成,并且在程序内部保留時間過程。其他程序如果需要時間,都通過這個程序間接獲得。專門的時間背景程序的出現,最直接的效果就是減少了同作業系統核心的互動,提高了性能。

2、Time Drift問題

在一次日志巡檢中,筆者發現alert log中存在如下的報警資訊:

Tue Dec 22 21:56:26 2015

Warning: VKTM detected a time drift.

Time drifts can result in an unexpected behavior such as time-outs. Please check trace file for more details.

Tue Dec 22 23:02:44 2015

Warning: VKTM detected a time drift.

Time drifts can result in an unexpected behavior such as time-outs. Please check trace file for more details.

alert log是我們發現資料庫運作問題最直接的途徑和方法。從11g開始,一些預測、診斷性的資訊,也都通過alert log進行輸出,期望實作資料庫故障問題預先診斷。

從日志資訊看,資料庫在兩個時間點經曆了兩次VKTM程序的Time Drift現象。Drift是漂移、浮動的含義。VKTM作為時間維護背景程序,在兩個時間點中似乎發生了快速的前移和後退。


[[email protected] trace]$ ls -l | grep vktm


-rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall    90 Dec 21 14:48 UREPRD_vktm_22700.trm

-rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall  1846 Dec 22 23:02 UREPRD_vktm_23138.trc

-rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall    128 Dec 22 23:02 UREPRD_vktm_23138.trm


kstmmainvktm: failed in setting elevated priority

Verify: SETUID is set on ORADISM and restart the instance


VKTM running at (100ms) precision

kstmrmtickcntkeeper: param _dbrm_quantum will not be effective

*** 2015-12-21 16:15:27.883

[Start] HighResTick = 1450685727883070

kstmrmtickcnt = 0, ksudbrmseccnt[0] = 1450685727

kstmchkdrift (kstmrmtickcntkeeper:highres): Time jumped forward by (16898372)usec at (1450792586464465) whereas (1000000) is allowed

*** 2015-12-22 21:56:27.439

kstmchkdrift (kstmrmtickcntkeeper:lowres): Time jumped forward by (18000000)usec at (1450792587) whereas (5000000) is allowed

kstmchkdrift (kstmrmtickcntkeeper:highres): Time jumped forward by (1112648)usec at (1450796564826494) whereas (1000000) is allowed


那麼,下一個問題是,問題是怎麼産生的?我們是否需要介入處理?alter log中一些告警資訊是基于資料庫診斷規則,警告的内容涵蓋記憶體、安全、存儲等多個方面。并不是每一種資訊都需要進行處理,很多資訊内容都是基于最佳Oracle工作實踐的一種建議。

在MOS中,筆者定位到了一篇針對alert log中出現Time Drift提示錯誤的文章,名稱為:Time Drift Detected. Please Check VKTM Trace File for More Details,文章編号:ID 1347586.1。

在文章中,Oracle認為這個錯誤在11.2.0.2到11.2.0.3之間會不斷地出現,已經在11.2.0.4版本中被修複。Bug編号為:11837095 "TIME DRIFT DETECTED" APPEARS INTERMITTENTLY IN ALERT LOG, THO' EVENT 10795 SET。

如果需要對該Bug進行單獨修複,需要進行更新檔patch 11837095操作。之後通過設定等待事件10795來進行控制。

alter system set event="10795 trace name context forever, level 2" scope=spfile;


Impact of the error:

The time drifts usually occurring less than 1sec and 5 sec for forward and backward respectively are permissible and OK.

If the traces are emitting time drifts of amount beyond these ranges, then it needs to be analyzed.

Most of the times, during high loads, there would be issues with underlying OS due to virtual memory, network time protocol improper configuration etc.

In general VKTM process need to be scheduled in every 10ms, if due to above reasons this is not happening we see the time drifts and to certain level (mentioned above) are permissible.

Eventually, this probably would cause the resource manager to take improper decisions and can lead to a hang in worst case.

VKTM process trace file can be found under bdump, However in this case the trace file doesn't contain useful information, Which makes the message ambiguous.

大部分情況下,由于系統高負載或者記憶體排程配置有問題,VKTM的每10ms作業會有問題,可能會出現1-5秒的Drift漂移。如果這種現象出現很頻繁,就需要整體考慮作業系統和資料庫配置問題。VKTM出現漂移,可能會影響到resource manager的工作情況。


VKTM是Oracle 11g中新引入的一個背景程序。我們在面對alert log中出現的各種奇怪問題的時候,最好主動咨詢一下官方MOS,看看是否有相似的方案解決。小問題盡早解決,才能保證系統不出現大故障。