
NetLink Communication Mechanism And Netlink Sourcecode Analysis


1. Netlink簡介
2. Netlink Function API Howto
3. Generic Netlink HOWTO kernel API
4. RFC 3549 Linux Netlink as an IP Services Protocol
5. sendmsg、recvmsg In User Space
6. kernel_recvmsg、kernel_sendmsg In Kernel Space
7. NetLink Sockets C++ Library
8. Netlink Protocol Library Suite (libnl)      

1. Netlink簡介

Netlink is a flexible, robust, wire-format communications channel typically used for kernel to user communication although it can also be used for user to user and kernel to kernel communications. Netlink communication channels are associated with families or "busses", where each bus deals with a specific service; for example

1. 路由daemon(NETLINK_ROUTE)
2. 1-wire子系統(NETLINK_W1)
3. 使用者态socket協定(NETLINK_USERSOCK)
5. socket監視(NETLINK_INET_DIAG)
6. netfilter日志(NETLINK_NFLOG)
7. ipsec安全政策(NETLINK_XFRM)
12. netlink connector(NETLINK_CONNECTOR)
13. netfilter子系統(NETLINK_NETFILTER)
14. IPv6防火牆(NETLINK_IP6_FW)
17. 通用netlink(NETLINK_GENERIC)      


1. 為了使用netlink,使用者僅需要在include/linux/netlink.h中增加一個新類型的netlink協定定義即可,如 #define NETLINK_MYTEST 17 然後,核心和使用者态應用就可以立即通過 socket API 使用該 netlink 協定類型進行資料交換。但系統調用需要增加新的系統調用,ioctl 則需要增加裝置或檔案, 那需要不少代碼,proc 檔案系統則需要在 /proc 下添加新的檔案或目錄,那将使本來就混亂的 /proc 更加混亂 
2. netlink是一種異步通信機制,在核心與使用者态應用之間傳遞的消息儲存在socket緩存隊列中,發送消息隻是把消息儲存在接收者的socket的接 收隊列,而不需要等待接收者收到消息,但系統調用與 ioctl 則是同步通信機制,如果傳遞的資料太長,将影響排程粒度 
3.使用 netlink 的核心部分可以采用子產品的方式實作,使用 netlink 的應用部分和核心部分沒有編譯時依賴,但系統調用就有依賴,而且新的系統調用的實作必須靜态地連接配接到核心中,它無法在子產品中實作,使用新系統調用的應用在編譯時需要依賴核心 
4.netlink 支援多點傳播,核心子產品或應用可以把消息多點傳播給一個netlink組,屬于該neilink 組的任何核心子產品或應用都能接收到該消息,核心事件向使用者态的通知機制就使用了這一特性,任何對核心事件感興趣的應用都能收到該子系統發送的核心事件 
5.核心可以使用 netlink 首先發起會話(雙向的),但系統調用和 ioctl 隻能由使用者應用發起調用 
6.netlink 使用标準的 socket API,是以很容易使用,但系統調用和 ioctl則需要專門的教育訓練才能使用       

0x2: Netllink通信流程


1. 應用程式将待發送的資料通過sendmsg()傳給Netlink,Netlink進行"組包",這實際上是一次記憶體拷貝
2. Netlink在buffer滿之後,即組包完成,将消息一次性進行"穿透拷貝",即copy_from_user、copy_to_user,這是一次代價較高的系統調用
3. 核心子產品從Netlink的buffer逐個取出資料包,即拆包,這個過程可以串行的實作,也可以異步地實作      

Relevant Link:


2. Netlink Function API Howto

0x1: User Space

使用者态應用使用标準的socket APIs,socket()、bind()、sendmsg()、recvmsg()、close()就能很容易地使用netlink socket

socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, netlink_type)
1. 參數1: 
//在 Linux 中,它們倆實際為一個東西,它表示要使用netlink

2. 參數2:
    1) SOCK_RAW

3. 參數3: 指定Netlink協定類型
#define NETLINK_ROUTE           0       /* Routing/device hook                          */
#define NETLINK_W1              1       /* 1-wire subsystem                             */
#define NETLINK_USERSOCK        2       /* Reserved for user mode socket protocols      */
#define NETLINK_FIREWALL        3       /* Firewalling hook                             */
#define NETLINK_INET_DIAG       4       /* INET socket monitoring                       */
#define NETLINK_NFLOG           5       /* netfilter/iptables ULOG */
#define NETLINK_XFRM            6       /* ipsec */
#define NETLINK_SELINUX         7       /* SELinux event notifications */
#define NETLINK_ISCSI           8       /* Open-iSCSI */
#define NETLINK_AUDIT           9       /* auditing */
#define NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP      10
#define NETLINK_CONNECTOR       11
#define NETLINK_NETFILTER       12      /* netfilter subsystem */
#define NETLINK_IP6_FW          13
#define NETLINK_DNRTMSG         14      /* DECnet routing messages */
#define NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT  15      /* Kernel messages to userspace */
#define NETLINK_GENERIC         16    //NETLINK_GENERIC是一個通用的協定類型,它是專門為使用者使用的,是以,使用者可以直接使用它,而不必再添加新的協定類型       

對于每一個netlink協定類型,可以有多達 32多點傳播組,每一個多點傳播組用一個位表示,netlink 的多點傳播特性使得發送消息給同一個組僅需要一次系統調用,因而對于需要多撥消息的應用而言,大大地降低了系統調用的次數

bind(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&nladdr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_nl));
函數bind()用于把一個打開的netlink socket與netlink源socket位址綁定在一起。netlink socket的位址結構如下

struct sockaddr_nl
    //字段 nl_family 必須設定為 AF_NETLINK 或着 PF_NETLINK 
    sa_family_t    nl_family;

    //字段 nl_pad 目前沒有使用,是以要總是設定為 0
    unsigned short nl_pad;

    字段 nl_pid 為接收或發送消息的程序的 ID
    1. nl_pid = 0: 消息接收者為核心或多點傳播組
    2. nl_pid != 0: nl_pid 實際上未必是程序 ID,它隻是用于區分不同的接收者或發送者的一個辨別,使用者可以根據自己需要設定該字段 
    __u32          nl_pid;

    nl_groups 用于指定多點傳播組,bind 函數用于把調用程序加入到該字段指定的多點傳播組
    1. nl_groups = 0: 該消息為單點傳播消息,調用者不加入任何多點傳播組
    2. nl_groups != 0: 多點傳播消息
    __u32          nl_groups;

值得注意的是,傳遞給 bind 函數的位址的 nl_pid 字段應當設定為本程序的程序 ID,這相當于 netlink socket 的本地位址。但是,對于一個程序的多個線程使用 netlink socket 的情況,字段 nl_pid 則可以設定為其它的值,如

pthread_self() << 16 | getpid();      

字段 nl_pid 實際上未必是程序 ID,它隻是用于區分不同的接收者或發送者的一個辨別,使用者可以根據自己需要設定該字段

關于使用netlink api及其相關參數,請參閱另一篇文章


1. 對于程式員來說,發送消息的系統調用接口隻有sendmsg,每次調用sendmsg隻需要傳入struct msghdr結構體的執行個體即可
2. 對于每個struct msghdr結構的執行個體來說,都必須指定struct iovec成員,即所有單個的消息都會被"挂入"一個"隊列"中,用于緩存集中發送
3. 每個代表"消息隊列"的struct iovec結構體執行個體,都必須指定struct nlmsghdr成員,即消息頭,用于實作"多路複用"和"多路分解"      

0x2: Kernel Space

核心使用netlink需要專門的API,這完全不同于使用者态應用對netlink的使用。如果使用者需要增加新的netlink協 議類型,必須通過修改linux/netlink.h來實作,當然,目前的netlink實作已經包含了一個通用的協定類型 NETLINK_GENERIC以友善使用者使用,使用者可以直接使用它而不必增加新的協定類型

在核心中,為了建立一個netlink socket使用者需要調用如下函數
struct sock *netlink_kernel_create(int unit, void (*input)(struct sock *sk, int len));      


struct netlink_skb_parms 
    Skb credentials 
    struct scm_creds 
        //pid表示消息發送者程序ID,也即源位址,對于核心,它為 0
        u32     pid;
        kuid_t  uid;
        kgid_t  gid;
    struct scm_creds        creds;          

    字段portid表示消息接收者程序 ID,也即目标位址,如果目标為組或核心,它設定為 0,否則 dst_group 表示目标組位址,如果它目标為某一程序或核心,dst_group 應當設定為 0 
    __u32                   portid;
    __u32                   dst_group;
    __u32                   flags;
    struct sock             *sk;
#define NETLINK_CB(skb)         (*(struct netlink_skb_parms*)&((skb)->cb))      

在核心中,子產品調用函數 netlink_unicast 來發送單點傳播消息

int netlink_unicast(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, u32 pid, int nonblock);      

Relevant Link:


3. Generic Netlink HOWTO kernel API

Relevant Link:


4. RFC 3549 Linux Netlink as an IP Services Protocol

A Control Plane (CP) is an execution environment that may have several sub-components, which we refer to as CPCs.  Each CPC provides control for a different IP service being executed by a Forwarding Engine (FE) component.  This relationship means that there might be several CPCs on a physical CP, if it is controlling several IP services.  

In essence, the cohesion between a CP component and an FE component is the service abstraction.

0x1: Control Plane Components (CPCs)

Control Plane Components encompass signalling protocols, with diversity ranging from dynamic routing protocols, such as OSPF to tag distribution protocols, such as CR-LDP. Classical management protocols and activities also fall under this category.

These include SNMP、COPS、and proprietary CLI/GUI configuration mechanisms.  The purpose of the control plane is to provide an execution environment for the above-mentioned activities with the ultimate goal being to configure and manage the second Network Element (NE) component: the FE.  The result of the configuration defines the way that packets traversing the FE are treated.

0x2: Forwarding Engine Components (FECs)

The FE is the entity of the NE that incoming packets (from the network into the NE) first encounter.

The FE's service-specific component massages the packet to provide it with a treatment to achieve an IP service, as defined by the Control Plane Components for that IP service.  Different services will utilize different FECs.  Service modules may be chained to achieve a more complex service  

When built for providing a specific service, the FE service component will adhere to a forwarding model.

1. Linux IP Forwarding Engine Model

____      +---------------+
                   +->-| FW |---> | TCP, UDP, ... |
                   |   +----+     +---------------+
                   |                   |
                   ^                   v
                   |                  _|_
                   +----<----+       | FW |
                             |       +----+
                             ^         |
                             |         Y
                           To host    From host
                            stack     stack
                             ^         |
                             |_____    |
Ingress                            ^   Y
device   ____    +-------+        +|---|--+   ____   +--------+ Egress
->----->| FW |-->|Ingress|-->---->| Forw- |->| FW |->| Egress | device
        +----+   |  TC   |        |  ard  |  +----+  |   TC   |-->
                 +-------+        +-------+          +--------+      

The figure above shows the Linux FE model per device.  The only mandatory part of the datapath is the Forwarding module, which is RFC 1812 conformant.  The different Firewall (FW), Ingress Traffic Control, and Egress Traffic Control building blocks are not mandatory in the datapath and may even be used to bypass the RFC 1812 module.

These modules are shown as simple blocks in the datapath but, in fact, could be multiple cascaded, independent submodules within the indicated blocks.

2. IP Services

In the diagram below, we show a simple FE<->CP setup to provide an example of the classical IPv4 service with an extension to do some basic QoS egress scheduling and illustrate how the setup fits in this described model.

Control Plane (CP)
                          |    /^^^^^^\      /^^^^^^\         |
                          |   |        |    | COPS  |-\       |
                          |   | ospfd  |    |  PEP  |  \      |
                          |   \       /      \_____/    |     |
                        /------\_____/         |       /      |
                        | |        |           |     /        |
                        | |_________\__________|____|_________|
                        |           |          |    |
         Forwarding    ************* Netlink  layer ************
         Engine (FE)   *****************************************
          |       IPv4 forwarding   |              |             |
          |       FE Service       /               /             |
          |       Component       /               /              |
          |       ---------------/---------------/---------      |
          |       |             |               /         |      |
   packet |       |     --------|--        ----|-----     |   packet
   in     |       |     |  IPv4    |      | Egress   |    |    out
   -->--->|------>|---->|Forwarding|----->| QoS      |--->| ---->|->
          |       |     |          |      | Scheduler|    |      |
          |       |     -----------        ----------     |      |
          |       |                                       |      |
          |        ---------------------------------------       |
          |                                                      |

0x3: Netlink Logical Model

In the diagram below we show a simple FEC<->CPC logical relationship. We use the IPv4 forwarding FEC (NETLINK_ROUTE, which is discussed further below) as an example.

Control Plane (CP)
                   |    /^^^^^\        /^^^^^\          |
                   |   |       |      / CPC-2 \         |
                   |   | CPC-1 |     | COPS   |         |
                   |   | ospfd |     |  PEP   |         |
                   |   |      /       \____ _/          |
                   |    \____/            |             |
                   |      |               |             |
                ************* BROADCAST WIRE  ************
   FE---------- *****************************************.
   |      IPv4 forwarding |    |           |             |
   |               FEC    |    |           |             |
   |       --------------/ ----|-----------|--------     |
   |       |            /      |           |       |     |
   |       |     .-------.  .-------.   .------.   |     |
   |       |     |Ingress|  | IPv4  |   |Egress|   |     |
   |       |     |police |  |Forward|   | QoS  |   |     |
   |       |     |_______|  |_______|   |Sched |   |     |
   |       |                             ------    |     |
   |        ---------------------------------------      |
   |                                                     |

Netlink logically models FECs and CPCs in the form of nodes interconnected to each other via a broadcast wire.

The wire is specific to a service.  The example above shows the broadcast wire belonging to the extended IPv4 forwarding service.

Nodes (CPCs or FECs as illustrated above) connect to the wire and register to receive specific messages.  CPCs may connect to multiple wires if it helps them to control the service better.  All nodes(CPCs and FECs) dump packets on the broadcast wire.  Packets can be discarded by the wire if they are malformed or not specifically formatted for the wire.  Dropped packets are not seen by any of the nodes.  The Netlink service may signal an error to the sender if it detects a malformatted Netlink packet.

0x4: Message Format

There are three levels to a Netlink message: The general Netlink message header, the IP service specific template, and the IP service specific data.


0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                                                               |
   |                   Netlink message header                      |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |                  IP Service Template                          |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   |                  IP Service specific data in TLVs             |
   |                                                               |

The Netlink message is used to communicate between the FEC and CPC for parameterization of the FECs, asynchronous event notification of FEC events to the CPCs, and statistics querying/gathering (typically by a CPC).

0x5: Protocol Model

1. Service Addressing

Access is provided by first connecting to the service on the FE.  The connection is achieved by making a socket() system call to the PF_NETLINK domain.  Each FEC is identified by a protocol number.  One may open either SOCK_RAW or SOCK_DGRAM type sockets, although Netlink does not distinguish between the two.  The socket connection provides the basis for the FE<->CP addressing.

Connecting to a service is followed (at any point during the life of the connection) by either issuing a service-specific command (from the CPC to the FEC, mostly for configuration purposes), issuing a statistics-collection command, or subscribing/unsubscribing to service events.  Closing the socket terminates the transaction.

2. Netlink Message Header

Netlink messages consist of a byte stream with one or multiple Netlink headers and an associated payload.  If the payload is too big to fit into a single message it, can be split over multiple Netlink messages, collectively called a multipart message.  For multipart messages, the first and all following headers have the NLM_F_MULTI Netlink header flag set, except for the last header which has the Netlink header type NLMSG_DONE.

0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                          Length                             |
   |            Type              |           Flags              |
   |                      Sequence Number                        |
   |                      Process ID (PID)                       |

3. The ACK Netlink Message

This message is actually used to denote both an ACK and a NACK. Typically, the direction is from FEC to CPC (in response to an ACK request message).  However, the CPC should be able to send ACKs back to FEC when requested.  The semantics for this are IP service specific.

0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                       Netlink message header                  |
   |                       type = NLMSG_ERROR                      |
   |                          Error code                           |
   |                       OLD Netlink message header              |

Relevant Link:


5. sendmsg、recvmsg In User Space

0x1: sendmsg


 *    BSD sendmsg interface
SYSCALL_DEFINE3(sendmsg, int, fd, struct msghdr __user *, msg, unsigned, flags)
    struct compat_msghdr __user *msg_compat = (struct compat_msghdr __user *)msg;
    struct socket *sock;
    struct sockaddr_storage address;
    struct iovec iovstack[UIO_FASTIOV], *iov = iovstack;
    unsigned char ctl[sizeof(struct cmsghdr) + 20] __attribute__ ((aligned(sizeof(__kernel_size_t))));
    /* 20 is size of ipv6_pktinfo */
    unsigned char *ctl_buf = ctl;
    struct msghdr msg_sys;
    int err, ctl_len, iov_size, total_len;
    int fput_needed;

    err = -EFAULT;
    if (MSG_CMSG_COMPAT & flags) 
        if (get_compat_msghdr(&msg_sys, msg_compat))
            return -EFAULT;
        err = copy_msghdr_from_user(&msg_sys, msg);
        if (err)
            return err;

    sock = sockfd_lookup_light(fd, &err, &fput_needed);
    if (!sock)
        goto out;

    /* do not move before msg_sys is valid */
    err = -EMSGSIZE;
    if (msg_sys.msg_iovlen > UIO_MAXIOV)
        goto out_put;

    /* Check whether to allocate the iovec area */
    err = -ENOMEM;
    iov_size = msg_sys.msg_iovlen * sizeof(struct iovec);
    if (msg_sys.msg_iovlen > UIO_FASTIOV) 
        iov = sock_kmalloc(sock->sk, iov_size, GFP_KERNEL);
        if (!iov)
            goto out_put;

    /* This will also move the address data into kernel space */
    if (MSG_CMSG_COMPAT & flags) 
        err = verify_compat_iovec(&msg_sys, iov, (struct sockaddr *)&address, VERIFY_READ);
        err = verify_iovec(&msg_sys, iov, (struct sockaddr *)&address, VERIFY_READ);
    if (err < 0)
        goto out_freeiov;
    total_len = err;

    err = -ENOBUFS;

    if (msg_sys.msg_controllen > INT_MAX)
        goto out_freeiov;
    ctl_len = msg_sys.msg_controllen;
    if ((MSG_CMSG_COMPAT & flags) && ctl_len) 
        err = cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(&msg_sys, sock->sk, ctl, sizeof(ctl));
        if (err)
            goto out_freeiov;
        ctl_buf = msg_sys.msg_control;
        ctl_len = msg_sys.msg_controllen;
    else if (ctl_len) 
        if (ctl_len > sizeof(ctl)) {
            ctl_buf = sock_kmalloc(sock->sk, ctl_len, GFP_KERNEL);
            if (ctl_buf == NULL)
                goto out_freeiov;
        err = -EFAULT;
         * Careful! Before this, msg_sys.msg_control contains a user pointer.
         * Afterwards, it will be a kernel pointer. Thus the compiler-assisted
         * checking falls down on this.
        if (copy_from_user(ctl_buf, (void __user *)msg_sys.msg_control, ctl_len))
            goto out_freectl;
        msg_sys.msg_control = ctl_buf;
    msg_sys.msg_flags = flags;

    if (sock->file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK)
        msg_sys.msg_flags |= MSG_DONTWAIT;
    err = sock_sendmsg(sock, &msg_sys, total_len);

    if (ctl_buf != ctl)
        sock_kfree_s(sock->sk, ctl_buf, ctl_len);
    if (iov != iovstack)
        sock_kfree_s(sock->sk, iov, iov_size);
    fput_light(sock->file, fput_needed);
    return err;


int sock_sendmsg(struct socket *sock, struct msghdr *msg, size_t size)
    struct kiocb iocb;
    struct sock_iocb siocb;
    int ret;

    init_sync_kiocb(&iocb, NULL);
    iocb.private = &siocb;
    ret = __sock_sendmsg(&iocb, sock, msg, size);
    if (-EIOCBQUEUED == ret)
        ret = wait_on_sync_kiocb(&iocb);
    return ret;

static inline int __sock_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, struct msghdr *msg, size_t size)
    struct sock_iocb *si = kiocb_to_siocb(iocb);
    int err;

    si->sock = sock;
    si->scm = NULL;
    si->msg = msg;
    si->size = size;

    err = security_socket_sendmsg(sock, msg, size);
    if (err)
        return err;

    const struct proto_ops inet_dgram_ops = 
        .family           = PF_INET,
        .owner           = THIS_MODULE,
        .release       = inet_release,
        .bind           = inet_bind,
        .connect       = inet_dgram_connect,
        .socketpair       = sock_no_socketpair,
        .accept           = sock_no_accept,
        .getname       = inet_getname,
        .poll           = udp_poll,
        .ioctl           = inet_ioctl,
        .listen           = sock_no_listen,
        .shutdown       = inet_shutdown,
        .setsockopt       = sock_common_setsockopt,
        .getsockopt       = sock_common_getsockopt,
        .sendmsg       = inet_sendmsg,
        .recvmsg       = sock_common_recvmsg,
        .mmap           = sock_no_mmap,
        .sendpage       = inet_sendpage,
    #ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT
        .compat_setsockopt = compat_sock_common_setsockopt,
        .compat_getsockopt = compat_sock_common_getsockopt,
    return sock->ops->sendmsg(iocb, sock, msg, size);


int inet_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, struct msghdr *msg, size_t size)
    struct sock *sk = sock->sk;

    /* We may need to bind the socket. */
    if (!inet_sk(sk)->num && inet_autobind(sk))
        return -EAGAIN;    
    INET SOCKET調用協定特有sendmsg操作符 
    對于INET socket中的udp發送,協定特有操作符集為udp_prot
    struct proto udp_prot = 
        .name           = "UDP",
        .owner           = THIS_MODULE,
        .close           = udp_lib_close,
        .connect       = ip4_datagram_connect,
        .disconnect       = udp_disconnect,
        .ioctl           = udp_ioctl,
        .destroy       = udp_destroy_sock,
        .setsockopt       = udp_setsockopt,
        .getsockopt       = udp_getsockopt,
        .sendmsg       = udp_sendmsg,
        .recvmsg       = udp_recvmsg,
        .sendpage       = udp_sendpage,
        .backlog_rcv       = __udp_queue_rcv_skb,
        .hash           = udp_lib_hash,
        .unhash           = udp_lib_unhash,
        .get_port       = udp_v4_get_port,
        .memory_allocated  = &udp_memory_allocated,
        .sysctl_mem       = sysctl_udp_mem,
        .sysctl_wmem       = &sysctl_udp_wmem_min,
        .sysctl_rmem       = &sysctl_udp_rmem_min,
        .obj_size       = sizeof(struct udp_sock),
        .slab_flags       = SLAB_DESTROY_BY_RCU,
        .h.udp_table       = &udp_table,
    #ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT
        .compat_setsockopt = compat_udp_setsockopt,
        .compat_getsockopt = compat_udp_getsockopt,
    return sk->sk_prot->sendmsg(iocb, sk, msg, size);

0x2: recvmsg


 *    BSD recvmsg interface
SYSCALL_DEFINE3(recvmsg, int, fd, struct msghdr __user *, msg, unsigned int, flags)
    struct compat_msghdr __user *msg_compat = (struct compat_msghdr __user *)msg;
    struct socket *sock;
    struct iovec iovstack[UIO_FASTIOV];
    struct iovec *iov = iovstack;
    struct msghdr msg_sys;
    unsigned long cmsg_ptr;
    int err, iov_size, total_len, len;
    int fput_needed;

    /* kernel mode address */
    struct sockaddr_storage addr;

    /* user mode address pointers */
    struct sockaddr __user *uaddr;
    int __user *uaddr_len;

    if (MSG_CMSG_COMPAT & flags) 
        if (get_compat_msghdr(&msg_sys, msg_compat))
            return -EFAULT;
        err = copy_msghdr_from_user(&msg_sys, msg);
        if (err)
            return err;

    sock = sockfd_lookup_light(fd, &err, &fput_needed);
    if (!sock)
        goto out;

    err = -EMSGSIZE;
    if (msg_sys.msg_iovlen > UIO_MAXIOV)
        goto out_put;

    /* Check whether to allocate the iovec area */
    err = -ENOMEM;
    iov_size = msg_sys.msg_iovlen * sizeof(struct iovec);
    if (msg_sys.msg_iovlen > UIO_FASTIOV) 
        iov = sock_kmalloc(sock->sk, iov_size, GFP_KERNEL);
        if (!iov)
            goto out_put;

    /* Save the user-mode address (verify_iovec will change the
     * kernel msghdr to use the kernel address space)
    uaddr = (__force void __user *)msg_sys.msg_name;
    uaddr_len = COMPAT_NAMELEN(msg);
    if (MSG_CMSG_COMPAT & flags)
        err = verify_compat_iovec(&msg_sys, iov, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, VERIFY_WRITE);
        err = verify_iovec(&msg_sys, iov, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, VERIFY_WRITE);
    if (err < 0)
        goto out_freeiov;
    total_len = err;

    cmsg_ptr = (unsigned long)msg_sys.msg_control;
    msg_sys.msg_flags = flags & (MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC|MSG_CMSG_COMPAT);

    /* We assume all kernel code knows the size of sockaddr_storage */
    msg_sys.msg_namelen = 0;

    if (sock->file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK)
        flags |= MSG_DONTWAIT;
    err = sock_recvmsg(sock, &msg_sys, total_len, flags);
    if (err < 0)
        goto out_freeiov;
    len = err;

    if (uaddr != NULL) 
        err = move_addr_to_user((struct sockaddr *)&addr, msg_sys.msg_namelen, uaddr, uaddr_len);
        if (err < 0)
            goto out_freeiov;
    err = __put_user((msg_sys.msg_flags & ~MSG_CMSG_COMPAT), COMPAT_FLAGS(msg));
    if (err)
        goto out_freeiov;
    if (MSG_CMSG_COMPAT & flags)
        err = __put_user((unsigned long)msg_sys.msg_control - cmsg_ptr, &msg_compat->msg_controllen);
        err = __put_user((unsigned long)msg_sys.msg_control - cmsg_ptr, &msg->msg_controllen);
    if (err)
        goto out_freeiov;
    err = len;

    if (iov != iovstack)
        sock_kfree_s(sock->sk, iov, iov_size);
    fput_light(sock->file, fput_needed);
    return err;

6. kernel_recvmsg、kernel_sendmsg In Kernel Space

0x1: kernel_recvmsg


int kernel_recvmsg(struct socket *sock, struct msghdr *msg, struct kvec *vec, size_t num, size_t size, int flags)
    mm_segment_t oldfs = get_fs();
    int result;

     * the following is safe, since for compiler definitions of kvec and
     * iovec are identical, yielding the same in-core layout and alignment
    msg->msg_iov = (struct iovec *)vec, msg->msg_iovlen = num;
    result = sock_recvmsg(sock, msg, size, flags);
    return result;


0x2: kernel_sendmsg


int kernel_sendmsg(struct socket *sock, struct msghdr *msg, struct kvec *vec, size_t num, size_t size)
    mm_segment_t oldfs = get_fs();
    int result;

     * the following is safe, since for compiler definitions of kvec and
     * iovec are identical, yielding the same in-core layout and alignment
    msg->msg_iov = (struct iovec *)vec;
    msg->msg_iovlen = num;
    result = sock_sendmsg(sock, msg, size);
    return result;

Relevant Link:


7. NetLink Sockets C++ Library

0x1: Features

1. Cross Platform Library
2. Easy to use
3. Powerful and Reliable
4. Supports both Ip4 and Ip6
5. SocketGroup class to manage the connections
6. OnAcceptReady, OnReadReady, OnDisconnect callback model
7. Fully documented library API
8. Enables to Develop socket functionality extremely Fast
9. Fits single threaded and multi-threaded designs      

Relevant Link:


8. Netlink Protocol Library Suite (libnl)

The libnl suite is a collection of libraries providing APIs to netlink protocol based Linux kernel interfaces.

Netlink is a IPC mechanism primarly between the kernel and user space processes. It was designed to be a more flexible successor to ioctl to provide mainly networking related kernel configuration and monitoring interfaces.

NetLink Communication Mechanism And Netlink Sourcecode Analysis

The interfaces are split into several small libraries to not force applications to link against a single, bloated library.

0x1: libnl

Core library implementing the fundamentals required to use the netlink protocol such as socket handling, message construction and parsing, and sending and receiving of data. This library is kept small and minimalistic. Other libraries of the suite depend on this library.

0x2: libnl-route

API to the configuration interfaces of the NETLINK_ROUTE family including network interfaces, routes, addresses, neighbours, and traffic control.

0x3: libnl-genl

API to the generic netlink protocol, an extended version of the netlink protocol.

0x4: libnl-nf

API to netlink based netfilter configuration and monitoring interfaces (conntrack, log, queue)

Relevant Link:


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