
【8086彙編】對數組元素進行快速排序(有提示資訊 并 列印排序前數組和排序後數組)

【8086彙編】對數組元素進行快速排序(有提示資訊 并 列印排序前數組和排序後數組)

圖 1 運作結果示意1

【8086彙編】對數組元素進行快速排序(有提示資訊 并 列印排序前數組和排序後數組)

圖 2 運作結果示意2

stack	segment stack
		db 512 dup(?)
stack		ends

data    segment
		arr dw 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, -13, -14, -15, -16, -17, -18, -19, -20, -21, -22, -23, -24, -25
;arr dw 72, 70, -38, 5, 17, -20, -89, -56, -71, 66, -54, -87, 99, 40, 59, -15, 83, 99, 24, 39, 3, -56, 20, 78, 71, 12, -7, 6, -38, 53, -71, -32, 70, -96, -98, 15, -74, 75, -94, 84, 96, -48, -35, -67, 95, -24, -29, -75, 98, -76, 17, -69, -24, 8, -24
		input1 	db "before sort:", 0ah, 0dh, '$'
		input2	db " ", '$'
		input3 	db "after sort:", 0ah, 0dh, '$'
		i   dw  ? 
		j   dw  ?
		p   dw  0   ;start of the array, equals to 0.
		r   dw  49  ;end of the array, equals to a.length - 1.
		q   dw  ?
		x   dw  ?
data    ends

code 	segment
assume ds: data, cs: code, ss: stack
		mov ax, data
		mov ds, ax
		mov ax, stack
		mov ss, ax
		mov bx, 50
		lea dx, input1
		mov ah, 09h
		int 21h
		lea si, arr
		call print_array

		call linefeed
		call quicksort
		lea dx, input3
		mov ah, 09h
		int 21h
		lea si, arr
		call print_array
		jmp done

print_array proc
	   ; this procedure will print the elements of a given array
	   ; input : si=offset address of the array
	   ;       : bx=size of the array
	   ; output : none

		push ax; push ax onto the stack   
		push cx; push cx onto the stack
		push dx; push dx onto the stack

		mov cx, bx     ; set cx=bx

@print_array:  ; loop label
		mov ax, [si] ; set ax=ax+[si]

		call dispsiw  ; call the procedure outdec

		mov ah, 2    ; set output function
		mov dl, 20h  ; set dl=20h
		int 21h      ; print a character

		add si, 2    ; set si=si+2
		loop @print_array      ; jump to label @print_array while cx!=0

		pop dx ; pop a value from stack into dx
		pop cx ; pop a value from stack into cx
		pop ax ; pop a value from stack into ax

		ret    ; return control to the calling procedure
print_array endp

		;quicksort(a, p, r)
		;    if p < r
		;q = quicksort(a, p, r)
		;quicksort(a, p, q-1)
		;quicksort(a, q+1, r)

quicksort proc

		;compare p with r.
		mov  ax, p 
		cmp  ax, r  ;compare p with r
		jge  bigger1;if p ≥ r, sort is done.

		;call partition(a, p, r).
		call partition

		;get q = partition(a, p, r).
		mov  q, ax

		;push q+1, r into stack for later usage.
		inc  ax
		push ax
		push r

		;call quicksort(a, p, q-1).
		mov  ax, q
		mov  r, ax
		dec  r
		call quicksort

		;call quicksort(a, q+1, r).
		pop  r
		pop  p 
		call quicksort 

		;when sort is done.

quicksort endp

		;partition(a, p, r)
		;    x = a[r]
		;    i = p - 1
		;    for j = p to r-1
		;if a[j] ≤ x
		;    i = i + 1
		;    exchange a[i] with a[j]
		;    exchange a[i+1] with a[r]
		;    return i+1

partition proc

		;get x = arr[ r ].
		mov  si, offset arr
		mov  ax, r
		shl  ax, 1  ;r * 2, because every counter is 2 bytes.
		add  si, ax
		mov  ax, [ si ]       
		mov  x,  ax ;x = arr[ r ].

		;get i = p - 1.
		mov  ax, p
		mov  i,  ax
		dec  i

		;initialise j with p.
		mov  ax, p
		mov  j,  ax

		;loop j from p to r-1.

		;get arr[ j ].
		mov  si, offset arr
		mov  ax, j
		shl  ax, 1      ;j * 2, because every counter is 2 bytes.
		add  si, ax
		mov  ax, [ si ] ;ax = arr[ j ]

		;compare a[ j ] with x.
		cmp  ax, x
		jg   bigger     ;if a[ j ] > x, no swap

		;get i = i + 1.
		inc  i

		;get arr[ i ].
		mov  di, offset arr
		mov  cx, i
		shl  cx, 1      ;i * 2, because every counter is 2 bytes.
		add  di, cx
		mov  cx, [ di ] ;cx = arr[ i ].

		;exchange arr[ i ] with arr[ j ].
		mov  [ di ], ax
		mov  [ si ], cx
		;get next j.

		inc  j      ;j = j + 1.
		mov  ax, r
		cmp  j,  ax ;compare j with r.
		jl   for_j  ;if j ≤ r-1 continue loop.

		;get arr[ i+1 ].
		inc  i
		mov  si, offset arr
		mov  ax, i
		shl  ax, 1  ;(i+1) * 2, because every counter is 2 bytes.
		add  si, ax
		mov  ax, [ si ]     ;ax = arr[ i+1 ].

		;get arr[ r ].
		mov  di, offset arr
		mov  cx, r
		shl  cx, 1  ;r * 2, because every counter is 2 bytes.
		add  di, cx
		mov  cx, [ di ]     ;cx = arr[ r ].

		;exchange arr[ i+1 ] with arr[ r ].
		mov  [ di ], ax
		mov  [ si ], cx  

		;return i+1.
		mov  ax, i
partition endp

linefeed proc
		push ax
		push dx
		mov dl, 0dh
		mov ah, 2
		int 21h
		mov dl, 0ah
		mov ah, 2
		int 21h
		pop dx
		pop ax
linefeed endp

dispsiw proc
		push ax
		push bx
		push dx
		test ax, ax 
		jnz dsiw1
		mov dl, '0' 
		mov ah, 2
		int 21h
		jmp dsiw5
		jns dsiw2  
		mov bx, ax
		mov dl, '-'
		mov ah, 2
		int 21h
		mov ax, bx
		neg ax 
		mov bx, 10
		push bx 
		cmp ax, 0
		jz dsiw4
		xor dx, dx 
		div bx  
		add dl, 30h  
		push dx     
		jmp dsiw3
		pop dx
		cmp dl, 10
		je dsiw5
		mov ah, 2
		int 21h
		jmp dsiw4
		pop dx
		pop bx
		pop ax
dispsiw endp
		mov ah, 4ch
		int 21h
code	ends
		end main
