

我打開AMD-APP-SDK3.0裡的例子,我以為可以直接運作,結果不行。就比如這第一個例子:AdvancedConvolution 裡需要amdsdk但根本沒有相關的頭檔案和庫。後來終于找到了:


一、advancedNonSeparableConvolution 這個kernel:


#include <CL/cl.h>
#include "SDKBitMap.hpp"
#include "FilterCoeff.h"
#include "oclUtils.h"
#include "shrQATest.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace streamsdk;
int main()
	/host datas ready...
	cl_uint filterSize=3, filterType=0,useLDSPass1=0;
	cl_uint filterRadius,height,width,paddedHeight,paddedWidth;
	cl_uchar4 *inputImage2D,*paddedInputImage2D,*nonSepOutputImage2D,*sepOutputImage2D,*nonSepVerificationOutput,*sepVerificationOutput;
	cl_float *mask,*rowFilter,*colFilter;
	size_t localThreads[2],globalThreads[2];
	// Check whether isLds is zero or one
	if(useLDSPass1 != 0 && useLDSPass1 != 1)
		std::cout << "isLds should be either 0 or 1" << std::endl;
		return -1;
	// initialization of mask
	if(filterSize != 3 && filterSize != 5)
		std::cout << "Filter Size should be either 3 or 5" << std::endl;
		return -1;
	if (filterType !=0 && filterType != 1 && filterType !=2)
		std::cout << "Filter Type can only be 0, 1 or 2 for Sobel, Box and Gaussian filters respectively." << std::endl;
		return -1;
	switch (filterType)
	case 0: /* Sobel Filter */
		if(filterSize == 3)
			mask = SOBEL_FILTER_3x3;
			rowFilter = SOBEL_FILTER_3x3_pass1;
			colFilter = SOBEL_FILTER_3x3_pass2;
			mask = SOBEL_FILTER_5x5;
			rowFilter = SOBEL_FILTER_5x5_pass1;
			colFilter = SOBEL_FILTER_5x5_pass2;

	case 1: /* Box Filter */
		if(filterSize == 3)
			mask = BOX_FILTER_3x3;
			rowFilter = BOX_FILTER_3x3_pass1;
			colFilter = BOX_FILTER_3x3_pass2;
			mask = BOX_FILTER_5x5;
			rowFilter = BOX_FILTER_5x5_pass1;
			colFilter = BOX_FILTER_5x5_pass2;

	case 2: /* Gaussian Filter */
		if(filterSize == 3)
			mask = GAUSSIAN_FILTER_3x3;
			rowFilter = GAUSSIAN_FILTER_3x3_pass1;
			colFilter = GAUSSIAN_FILTER_3x3_pass2;
			mask = GAUSSIAN_FILTER_5x5;
			rowFilter = GAUSSIAN_FILTER_5x5_pass1;
			colFilter = GAUSSIAN_FILTER_5x5_pass2;
	// load input bitmap image
	SDKBitMap inputBitmap;
	char imgName[]={"/home/jumper/OpenCL_projects/AMD-Sample-AdvancedConvolution/AdvancedConvolution_Input.bmp"};
	// error if image did not load
		std::cout << "Failed to load input image!";
		return SDK_FAILURE;
	// get width and height of input image
	height = inputBitmap.getHeight();
	width = inputBitmap.getWidth();
	// allocate memory for input image data to host
	inputImage2D = (cl_uchar4*)malloc(width * height * sizeof(cl_uchar4));
	CHECK_ALLOCATION(inputImage2D,"Failed to allocate memory! (inputImage2D)");
	// get the pointer to pixel data
	uchar4 *pixelData = inputBitmap.getPixels();
	if(pixelData == NULL)
		std::cout << "Failed to read pixel Data!";
		return SDK_FAILURE;
	// Copy pixel data into inputImageData2D
	cl_uint pixelSize=sizeof(uchar4);
	memcpy(inputImage2D, pixelData, width * height * pixelSize);
	// allocate and initalize memory for padded input image data to host
	filterRadius = filterSize - 1;
	paddedHeight = height + filterRadius;
	paddedWidth = width + filterRadius;
	paddedInputImage2D = (cl_uchar4*)malloc(paddedWidth * paddedHeight * sizeof(cl_uchar4));
	CHECK_ALLOCATION(paddedInputImage2D,"Failed to allocate memory! (paddedInputImage2D)");
	memset(paddedInputImage2D, 0, paddedHeight*paddedWidth*sizeof(cl_uchar4));
	for(cl_uint i = filterRadius; i < height + filterRadius; i++)
		for(cl_uint j = filterRadius; j < width + filterRadius; j++)
			paddedInputImage2D[i * paddedWidth + j] = inputImage2D[(i - filterRadius) * width + (j - filterRadius)];

	// allocate memory for output image data for Non-Separable Filter to host
	nonSepOutputImage2D = (cl_uchar4*)malloc(width * height * sizeof(cl_uchar4));
	CHECK_ALLOCATION(nonSepOutputImage2D,"Failed to allocate memory! (nonSepOutputImage2D)");
	memset(nonSepOutputImage2D, 0, width * height * pixelSize);
	// allocate memory for output image data for Separable Filter to host
	sepOutputImage2D = (cl_uchar4*)malloc(width * height * sizeof(cl_uchar4));
	CHECK_ALLOCATION(sepOutputImage2D,"Failed to allocate memory! (sepOutputImage2D)");
	memset(sepOutputImage2D, 0, width * height * pixelSize);
	// allocate memory for verification output
	nonSepVerificationOutput = (cl_uchar4*)malloc(width * height * pixelSize);
	CHECK_ALLOCATION(nonSepVerificationOutput,"Failed to allocate memory! (verificationOutput)");
	sepVerificationOutput = (cl_uchar4*)malloc(width * height * pixelSize);
	CHECK_ALLOCATION(sepVerificationOutput,"Failed to allocate memory! (verificationOutput)");
	memset(nonSepVerificationOutput, 0, width * height * pixelSize);
	memset(sepVerificationOutput, 0, width * height * pixelSize);
	size_t blockSizeX=16,blockSizeY=16;
	localThreads[0] = blockSizeX;
	localThreads[1] = blockSizeY;
	// set global work-group size, padding work-items do not need to be considered
	globalThreads[0] = (width + localThreads[0] - 1) / localThreads[0];//????????????????? ?
	globalThreads[0] *= localThreads[0];
	globalThreads[1] = (height + localThreads[1] - 1) / localThreads[1];
	globalThreads[1] *= localThreads[1];

	//set up OpenCL...
	cl_uint platformNum;
	cl_int status;
		printf("cannot get platforms number.\n");
		return -1;
	cl_platform_id* platforms;
		printf("cannot get platforms addresses.\n");
		return -1;
	cl_platform_id platformInUse=platforms[0];
	cl_device_id device;
	cl_context context=clCreateContext(NULL,1,&device,NULL,NULL,&status);
	cl_command_queue queue=clCreateCommandQueue(context,device,CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &status);
	std::ifstream srcFile("/home/jumper/OpenCL_projects/AMD-Sample-AdvancedConvolution/convolution.cl");
	std::string srcProg(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(srcFile),(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()));
	const char * src = srcProg.c_str();
	size_t length = srcProg.length();
	cl_program program=clCreateProgramWithSource(context,1,&src,&length,&status);
	if (status != CL_SUCCESS)
		 shrLogEx(LOGBOTH | ERRORMSG, status, STDERROR);
		 oclLogBuildInfo(program, oclGetFirstDev(context));
		 oclLogPtx(program, oclGetFirstDev(context), "oclfluore.ptx");
	cl_kernel nonSeparablekernel = clCreateKernel(program, "advancedNonSeparableConvolution", &status);
	CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "clCreateKernel failed (advancedNonSeparableConvolution).");

	///Prepare needed buffers...
	//5 buffer
	cl_mem inputBuffer = clCreateBuffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR,pixelSize * paddedWidth * paddedHeight,paddedInputImage2D,&status);
	cl_mem outputBuffer = clCreateBuffer(context,CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,pixelSize * width * height,NULL,&status);
	cl_mem maskBuffer = clCreateBuffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR,sizeof(cl_float ) * filterSize * filterSize,mask,&status);
	cl_mem rowFilterBuffer = clCreateBuffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR,sizeof(cl_float ) * filterSize,rowFilter,&status);
	cl_mem colFilterBuffer = clCreateBuffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR,sizeof(cl_float ) * filterSize,colFilter,&status);

	///launch the non-Separate kernel...
	cl_event event0;
	// Set appropriate arguments to the kernel
	status = clSetKernelArg(nonSeparablekernel, 0,sizeof(cl_mem),(void *)&inputBuffer);
	CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR( status, "clSetKernelArg failed. (inputBuffer)");
	status = clSetKernelArg(nonSeparablekernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem),(void *)&maskBuffer);
	CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR( status, "clSetKernelArg failed. (maskBuffer)");
	status = clSetKernelArg(nonSeparablekernel, 2,sizeof(cl_mem),(void *)&outputBuffer);
	CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR( status, "clSetKernelArg failed. (outputBuffer)");
	status = clSetKernelArg(nonSeparablekernel,3,sizeof(cl_uint),(void *)&width);
	CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR( status, "clSetKernelArg failed. (width)");
	status = clSetKernelArg(nonSeparablekernel,4, sizeof(cl_uint),(void *)&height);
	CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR( status, "clSetKernelArg failed. (height)");
	 status = clSetKernelArg(nonSeparablekernel,5,sizeof(cl_uint),(void *)&paddedWidth);
	CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR( status, "clSetKernelArg failed. (paddedWidth)");
	// Enqueue a kernel run call.
	status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue,nonSeparablekernel,2,NULL,globalThreads,localThreads,0, NULL,&event0);
	CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR( status, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel failed.");
	status = clFlush(queue);
	CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status,"clFlush() failed");
	status = clWaitForEvents(1,&event0);
	CHECK_ERROR(status, SDK_SUCCESS, "WaitForEventAndRelease(events[0]) Failed");
	status = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue,outputBuffer,CL_TRUE,0,width * height * pixelSize,nonSepOutputImage2D,0,NULL,NULL);
	CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR( status, "clEnqueueReadBuffer(nonSepOutputImage2D) failed.");
	memcpy(pixelData, nonSepOutputImage2D, width * height * pixelSize);
	// write the output bmp file
		std::cout << "Failed to write output image!";
		return SDK_FAILURE;

	/clean up all variables...
	if (nonSeparablekernel != NULL)
		status = clReleaseKernel(nonSeparablekernel);
		CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "clReleaseKernel failed.(nonSeparablekernel)");
	if (program)
		status = clReleaseProgram(program);
		CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "clReleaseProgram failed.(program)");
	if (inputBuffer)
		status = clReleaseMemObject(inputBuffer);
		CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "clReleaseMemObject failed.(inputBuffer)");
	if (outputBuffer)
		status = clReleaseMemObject(outputBuffer);
		CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "clReleaseMemObject failed.(outputBuffer)");
	if (maskBuffer)
		status = clReleaseMemObject(maskBuffer);
		CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "clReleaseMemObject failed.(maskBuffer)");
	if (rowFilterBuffer)
		status = clReleaseMemObject(rowFilterBuffer);
		CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "clReleaseMemObject failed.(rowFilterBuffer)");
		status = clReleaseMemObject(colFilterBuffer);
		CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "clReleaseMemObject failed.(colFilterBuffer)");
	if (queue)
		status = clReleaseCommandQueue(queue);
		CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "clReleaseCommandQueue failed.(commandQueue)");
	if (context)
		status = clReleaseContext(context);
		CHECK_OPENCL_ERROR(status, "clReleaseContext failed.(context)");
	// release program resources (input memory etc.)

	return 0;


#define FILTERSIZE 3
__kernel void advancedNonSeparableConvolution(
									__global uchar4 *input,
									__global float  *mask,  
									__global uchar4 *output,
									uint nWidth,
									uint nHeight,
									uint nExWidth)                   
    int col = get_global_id(0);
    int row = get_global_id(1);
    if (col >= nWidth || row >= nHeight) return; 

    int lid_x = get_local_id(0);
    int lid_y = get_local_id(1);

    int start_col, start_row;
    int cnt = 0;
	 #if 1
	       //#USE_LDS == 1
		    __local uchar4 local_input[(16 + 3 - 1) * (16 + 3 - 1)];
		    int tile_xres = (16 + 3 - 1);
		    int tile_yres = (16 + 3 - 1);
		    start_col = get_group_id(0) * 16; //Image is padded
		    start_row = get_group_id(1) * 16; 
		    int lid = lid_y * 16 + lid_x; 
		    int gx, gy;
		    do {
		        gy = lid / tile_xres;
		        gx = lid - gy * tile_xres; 
		        local_input[lid] = input[(start_row + gy) * nExWidth + (start_col + gx)];
		        lid += (16 * 16);
		    } while (lid < (tile_xres * tile_yres));
		    start_col = lid_x;
			 start_row = lid_y;
			start_col = col;
			start_row = row; 
		   float4 sum = (float4)0.0f;
			int m = 0, n = 0;
	 #pragma unroll 16
	 for (int j = start_row; j < start_row + FILTERSIZE; j++,m++)
			n = 0;
			for (int i = start_col; i < start_col + FILTERSIZE; i++,n++) 
				//#if USE_LDS == 1
				#if 1
					sum = mad(convert_float4(local_input[j * tile_xres + i]), (float4)mask[m * FILTERSIZE + n], sum);//a*b+c
					sum = mad(convert_float4(input[(j)*nExWidth  + (i)]), (float4)mask[m * FILTERSIZE + n], sum);

    output[row * nWidth + col] = (convert_uchar4_sat)(sum);

這個例子的步驟就是: 原圖是512X512的彩圖,用3X3的視窗進行卷積!在host上先将圖像擴充邊界,globalsize是512X512,localsize是16X16。kernel的設計思想主要分兩步:1、每個group将圖像同位置的18X18的圖像塊緩沖進自己的LDS即local數組local_input[]中;2、group中每個item負責以自己所在的點為中心與掩模視窗進行卷積得到一個和sum作為自己這個點的最終結果!3、全局上每個item将自己的結果給最終的圖像。

其實這個kernel就這兩步。巧妙之處:先将圖像擴充邊界;利用SDKBitMap庫即決定了後續要利用uchar4 float4節約空間并且快讀讀到像素值;利用LDS緩沖加速;每個item負責一個像素點的卷積;很機智的使用了#pragma unroll 16!




二、advancedSeparableConvolution 這個kernel:


#define FILTERSIZE 3
__kernel void advancedSeparableConvolution(
								__global uchar4 *input,
								__global float *row_filter,
								__global float *col_filter,
								__global uchar4 *output,
								uint nWidth,
								uint nHeight,
								uint nExWidth)                   
    __local float4 local_output[16 * (16 + FILTERSIZE - 1)];

    int col = get_global_id(0);
    int row = get_global_id(1);
    if (col >= nWidth || row >= nHeight) return;

    int lid_x = get_local_id(0);
    int lid_y = get_local_id(1);

    int start_col, start_row;

    int cnt = 0;

    * If using LDS, get the data to local memory. Else, get the global memory indices ready 
	//#if USE_LDS == 1
	#if 1
	    __local uchar4 local_input[(16 + FILTERSIZE - 1) * (16 + FILTERSIZE - 1)];
	    int tile_xres = (16 + FILTERSIZE - 1);
	    int tile_yres = (16 + FILTERSIZE - 1);
	    start_col = get_group_id(0) * 16; //Image is padded
	    start_row = get_group_id(1) * 16; 
	    int lid = lid_y * 16 + lid_x; 
	    int gx, gy;
	     * Read input from global buffer and put in local buffer 
	     * Read 256 global memory locations at a time (256 WI). 
	     * Conitnue in a loop till all pixels in the tile are read.
	    do {
	        gy = lid / tile_xres;
	        gx = lid - gy * tile_xres; 
	        local_input[lid] = input[(start_row + gy) * nExWidth + (start_col + gx)];
	        lid += (16 * 16);
	    } while (lid < (tile_xres * tile_yres));
	    start_col = lid_x;
	    * Non - LDS implementation
	    * Read pixels directly from global memory
		start_col = col; 

    * Row-wise convolution - Inputs will be read from local or global memory         
    float4 sum = (float4)0.0f;
    cnt = 0;

	#pragma unroll FILTERSIZE
    for (int i = start_col; i < start_col + FILTERSIZE; i++) 
		//#if USE_LDS == 1
		#if 1
		        sum = mad(convert_float4(local_input[lid_y * tile_xres + i]), (float4)row_filter[cnt++], sum);    
		        sum = mad(convert_float4(input[row * nExWidth + i]), (float4)row_filter[cnt++], sum);                 
    * Output is stored in local memory
    local_output[lid_y * 16 + lid_x] = sum;

    * Row-wise convolution of pixels in the remaining rows
    if (lid_y < FILTERSIZE - 1) 
        cnt = 0;
        sum = (float4)0.0f;

		#pragma unroll FILTERSIZE
	    for (int i = start_col; i < start_col + FILTERSIZE; i++) 
				//#if USE_LDS == 1
				#if 1
				            sum = mad(convert_float4(local_input[(lid_y + 16) * tile_xres + i]), (float4)row_filter[cnt++], sum);  
				            sum = mad(convert_float4(input[(row + 16) * nExWidth + i]), (float4)row_filter[cnt++], sum);                    
        * Again the output is stored in local memory
        local_output[(lid_y + 16) * 16 + lid_x] = sum;

    * Wait for all the local WIs to finish row-wise convolution.

    * Column-wise convolution - Input is the output of row-wise convolution
    * Inputs are always read from local memory. 
    * The output is written to global memory.
    start_row = lid_y;
    sum = (float4)0.0f;
    cnt = 0;

	#pragma unroll FILTERSIZE
    for (int i = start_row; i < start_row + FILTERSIZE; i++) 
        sum = mad(local_output[i * 16 + lid_x], (float4)col_filter[cnt++], sum);        
    /* Save Output */
	sum = (sum < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : sum;
   output[row * nWidth + col] = (convert_uchar4_sat_rte)(sum);

這個kernel的思想與第一個kernel的步驟有同有異(這樣以橫縱兩個一維向量(視窗)去卷積,第1個是以二維視窗去卷積): 1、每個group将圖像同位置的18X18的圖像塊緩沖進自己的LDS即local數組local_input[]中;但第2點開始不一樣:2、group中每個item負責以自己所在的點為中心與橫向一維掩模進行卷積得到一個和sum作為自己這個點的卷積結果(這裡很心機的使用了cnt++ 而不是放在for裡!太心機了!如果是我這麼菜的設計者就想不到如此使用)(因為localsize是16X16是以對于18X18的圖像塊,一次隻卷積了16X18卷積後的結果是16X16大小,還剩最後兩行沒有進行卷積)第2就将18X18的圖像塊橫向卷積後為18X16大小(這也是為什麼local_output要定義為16X18大小的原因)!3、單獨拿出前兩行itens處理剩下的兩行圖像,即用2X16處理2X18結果是2X16 到這一步就橫向卷積完畢。;4、接着就是對local_output縱向卷積後大小為16X16了!同樣很心機的使用了cnt++和#praga unroll 3而不是放在一個循環裡!real機智啊!

這個kernel比上一個kernel更妙。巧妙之處:先将圖像擴充邊界;利用SDKBitMap庫即決定了後續要利用uchar4 float4節約空間并且快讀讀到像素值;利用LDS緩沖加速;每個item先負責一個像素點的橫向卷積然後再複制縱向卷積;很機智的使用了#pragma unroll 3以及每個item所屬的cnt++!



