
OpenCV學習C++接口 Mat像素周遊詳解



  1. 當Mat為多通道時,如3通道,如果我們将其内容輸出到終端,則可以看出其列數為Mat::cols的n倍,意思是說顯示資料的時候r、g、b安順輸出,然後輸出下一個像素的r、g、b,當然n為Mat的通道數。雖是如此,但是Mat::cols的數值并沒有随之改變。
  2. 當複制一副圖像時,利用函數cv::Mat::clone(),則将在記憶體中重新開辟一段新的記憶體存放複制的圖像(圖像資料也将全部複制),而如果利用cv::Mat::copyTo()複制圖像,則不會在記憶體中開辟一段新的記憶體塊,同時也不會複制圖像資料,複制前後的圖像的指針指向同一個記憶體塊。使用的時候需注意兩個函數的差別。
  3. 因為自從openCv可以用c++方式實作之後,我們可以使用疊代器和at的方式方式周遊像素,不過at幾乎是所有方式中效率最低的一種,iterator的方式比使用at的方式好一點,這種方式比較安全和簡單易懂明了。
  4. 在openCv 2計算機視覺一書中降到的像素壓縮:利用位操作的算法效率最高,其次是利用整數除法中向下取整,效率最低的是取模運算。


*    内容摘要:本例采用8種方法對圖像Mat的像素進行掃描,并對像素點的像
*            素進行壓縮,壓縮間隔為div=64,并比較掃描及壓縮的效率,效
*            率最高的是采用.ptr及減少循環次數來周遊圖像,并采用位操
*            作來對圖像像素進行壓縮。
*   參考資料:《OpenCV 2 computer Vision Application Programming
*              cookbook》
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>

void colorReduce0(cv::Mat &image, int div = 64)
    int nl = image.rows;
    int nc = image.cols * image.channels();
    for(int j=0; j<nl ;++j)
        uchar *data = image.ptr<uchar>(j);
        for(int i=0; i<nc; ++i)
            data[i] = data[i]/div*div+div/2;     //減少圖像中顔色總數的關鍵算法:if div = 64, then the total number of colors is 4x4x4;整數除法時,是向下取整。

//利用.ptr和 *++ 進行圖像像素周遊
void colorReduce1(cv::Mat &image, int div = 64)
    int nl = image.rows;
    int nc = image.cols * image.channels();
    for(int j=0; j<nl ;++j)
        uchar *data = image.ptr<uchar>(j);
        for(int i=0; i<nc; ++i)
            *data++ = *data/div*div + div/2;

void colorReduce2(cv::Mat &image, int div = 64)
    int nl = image.rows;
    int nc = image.cols * image.channels();
    for(int j=0; j<nl ;++j)
        uchar *data = image.ptr<uchar>(j);
        for(int i=0; i<nc; ++i)
            data[i] = data[i]-data[i]%div +div/2;  //利用取模運算,速度變慢,因為要讀每個像素兩次

void colorReduce3(cv::Mat &image, int div = 64)
    int nl = image.rows;
    int nc = image.cols * image.channels();

    int n = static_cast<int>(log(static_cast<double>(div))/log(2.0));   //div=64, n=6
    uchar mask = 0xFF<<n;                                            //e.g. div=64, mask=0xC0
    for(int j=0; j<nl ;++j)
        uchar *data = image.ptr<uchar>(j);
        for(int i=0; i<nc; ++i)
            *data++ = *data&mask + div/2;

//形參傳入const conference,故輸入圖像不會被修改;利用.ptr和數組下标進行圖像像素周遊
void colorReduce4(const cv::Mat &image, cv::Mat &result,int div = 64)
    int nl = image.rows;
    int nc = image.cols * image.channels();

    for(int j=0; j<nl ;++j)
        const uchar *data_in = image.ptr<uchar>(j);
        uchar *data_out = result.ptr<uchar>(j);
        for(int i=0; i<nc; ++i)
            data_out[i] = data_in[i]/div*div+div/2;     //減少圖像中顔色總數的關鍵算法:if div = 64, then the total number of colors is 4x4x4;整數除法時,是向下取整。

void colorReduce5(cv::Mat &image, int div = 64)
    int nl = image.rows;
    for(int j=0; j<nl ;++j)
        uchar *data = image.ptr<uchar>(j);
        for(int i=0; i<image.cols * image.channels(); ++i)
            data[i] = data[i]/div*div+div/2;     //減少圖像中顔色總數的關鍵算法:if div = 64, then the total number of colors is 4x4x4;整數除法時,是向下取整。

//利用疊代器 cv::Mat iterator 進行圖像像素周遊
void colorReduce6(cv::Mat &image, int div = 64)
    cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b>::iterator it = image.begin<cv::Vec3b>();    //由于利用圖像疊代器處理圖像像素,是以傳回類型必須在編譯時知道
    cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b>::iterator itend = image.end<cv::Vec3b>();

    for(;it != itend; ++it)
        (*it)[0] = (*it)[0]/div*div+div/2;        //利用operator[]處理每個通道的像素
        (*it)[1] = (*it)[1]/div*div+div/2;
        (*it)[2] = (*it)[2]/div*div+div/2;

void colorReduce7(cv::Mat &image, int div = 64)
    int nl = image.rows;
    int nc = image.cols;
    for(int j=0; j<nl ;++j)
        for(int i=0; i<nc; ++i)
            image.at<cv::Vec3b>(j,i)[0] = image.at<cv::Vec3b>(j,i)[0]/div*div + div/2;
            image.at<cv::Vec3b>(j,i)[1] = image.at<cv::Vec3b>(j,i)[1]/div*div + div/2;
            image.at<cv::Vec3b>(j,i)[2] = image.at<cv::Vec3b>(j,i)[2]/div*div + div/2;

void colorReduce8(cv::Mat &image, int div = 64)
    int nl = image.rows;
    int nc = image.cols;

        nc = nc*nl;
        nl = 1;

    int n = static_cast<int>(log(static_cast<double>(div))/log(2.0));
    uchar mask = 0xFF<<n;
    for(int j=0; j<nl ;++j)
        uchar *data = image.ptr<uchar>(j);
        for(int i=0; i<nc; ++i)
            *data++ = *data & mask +div/2;
            *data++ = *data & mask +div/2;
            *data++ = *data & mask +div/2;

const int NumTests = 9;        //測試算法的數量
const int NumIteration = 20;   //疊代次數

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int64 t[NumTests],tinit;
    cv::Mat image1;
    cv::Mat image2;
    int i=0;
        t[i++] = 0;

    int n = NumIteration;
    for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
        image1 = cv::imread("../boldt.jpg");

            std::cout<<"read image failue!"<<std::endl;
            return -1;

        // using .ptr and []
        tinit = cv::getTickCount();
        t[0] += cv::getTickCount() - tinit;
        // using .ptr and *++
        image1 = cv::imread("../boldt.jpg");
        tinit = cv::getTickCount();
        t[1] += cv::getTickCount()  - tinit;
        // using .ptr and [] and modulo
        image1 = cv::imread("../boldt.jpg");
        tinit = cv::getTickCount();
        t[2] += cv::getTickCount()  - tinit;
        // using .ptr and *++ and bitwise
        image1 = cv::imread("../boldt.jpg");
        tinit = cv::getTickCount();
        t[3] += cv::getTickCount()  - tinit;

        //using input and output image
        image1 = cv::imread("../boldt.jpg");
        tinit = cv::getTickCount();
        t[4] += cv::getTickCount()  - tinit;
        // using .ptr and [] with image.cols * image.channels()
        image1 = cv::imread("../boldt.jpg");
        tinit = cv::getTickCount();
        t[5] += cv::getTickCount()  - tinit;
        // using .ptr and *++ and iterator
        image1 = cv::imread("../boldt.jpg");
        tinit = cv::getTickCount();
        t[6] += cv::getTickCount()  - tinit;
        //using at
        image1 = cv::imread("../boldt.jpg");
        tinit = cv::getTickCount();
        t[7] += cv::getTickCount()  - tinit;

        //using .ptr and * ++ and bitwise (continuous+channels)
        image1 = cv::imread("../boldt.jpg");
        tinit = cv::getTickCount();
        t[8] += cv::getTickCount()  - tinit;

    cv::namedWindow("Result Image");
    cv::imshow("Result Image",image2);

    std::cout<<"using .ptr and [] = "<<1000*t[0]/cv::getTickFrequency()/n<<"ms"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"using .ptr and *++ = "<<1000*t[1]/cv::getTickFrequency()/n<<"ms"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"using .ptr and [] and modulo = "<<1000*t[2]/cv::getTickFrequency()/n<<"ms"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"using .ptr and *++ and bitwise = "<<1000*t[3]/cv::getTickFrequency()/n<<"ms"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"using input and output image = "<<1000*t[4]/cv::getTickFrequency()/n<<"ms"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"using .ptr and [] with image.cols * image.channels() = "<<1000*t[5]/cv::getTickFrequency()/n<<"ms"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"using .ptr and *++ and iterator = "<<1000*t[6]/cv::getTickFrequency()/n<<"ms"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"using at = "<<1000*t[7]/cv::getTickFrequency()/n<<"ms"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"using .ptr and * ++ and bitwise (continuous+channels) = "<<1000*t[8]/cv::getTickFrequency()/n<<"ms"<<std::endl;
    return 0;