



There are a lot of services these days that let you store files in “the cloud” and access them from virtually anywhere. These services are extremely handy, but what if you need a mobile operating system as well? Today we take a look at a couple of online operating systems that let you store your files and work on them as well.

如今,有許多服務可讓您将檔案存儲在“雲”中,并幾乎可以從任何地方通路它們。 這些服務非常友善,但是如果您還需要移動作業系統,該怎麼辦? 今天,我們來看看幾個線上作業系統,它們使您可以存儲檔案并在它們上進行處理。

Online operating systems are a good solution if you have say a Mac at home and PC at work. Or maybe certain features of Windows aren’t available on different machines you work on during the day. There are a lot of different scenarios where an online operating system could come in handy. Here we take a look at two such apps which have a lot of functionality and are free to use.

如果說家裡有Mac,而工作中有PC,則線上作業系統是一個不錯的解決方案。 也許Windows的某些功能在一天中使用的不同計算機上不可用。 在許多不同的情況下,線上作業系統都可以派上用場。 在這裡,我們看一下兩個這樣的應用程式,它們具有很多功能并且可以免費使用。


This is a worthy free Web OS that gives you 15GB of storage and offers an office suite (powered by Zoho), sharing and collaboration, and access to your documents on a mobile device. The OS runs in a separate window of your browser and has a lot of neat functionality. Everything you do is saved and will be exactly the same no matter what computer you use to log into your account. The Go button acts like the Start menu on Windows and gives you access to all of the available apps and other utilities.

這是一個有價值的免費Web作業系統,可為您提供15GB的存儲空間,并提供辦公套件(由Zoho支援),共享和協作以及在移動裝置上通路文檔的權限。 該作業系統在浏覽器的單獨視窗中運作,并具有許多簡潔的功能。 無論您使用什麼計算機登入帳戶,您所做的一切都将被儲存,并且将完全相同。 “執行”按鈕的作用類似于Windows上的“開始”菜單,可讓您通路所有可用的應用程式和其他實用程式。


You can upload individual files, use the bulk uploader to transfer folders and large amounts of data, and they also offer a sync feature that will keep data on all of your machines and the G.ho.st OS synchronized. Another cool feature is getting 5GB of extra storage space for each friend or colleague you get to sing up for the service.

您可以上傳單個檔案,使用批量上傳器傳輸檔案夾和大量資料,它們還提供同步功能,該功能将使所有計算機和G.ho.st OS上的資料保持同步。 另一個很酷的功能是為您希望使用該服務的每個朋友或同僚獲得5GB的額外存儲空間。


They offer the internal G.ho.st web browser which you could use as a security tool if you want to visit less than reputable sites without affecting your actual system.

他們提供了内部G.ho.st Web浏覽器,如果您想通路比信譽良好的網站少的網頁而又不影響實際系統,則可以将其用作安全工具。


It’s not all business either. There are some fun utilities included like a music player, it’s own email system, and links to social sites and games.

也不全是生意。 其中包含一些有趣的實用程式,例如音樂播放器,它自己的電子郵件系統以及指向社交網站和遊戲的連結。


G.ho.st Lite lets you access your documents and basic features from your mobile device.

G.ho.st Lite允許您從移動裝置通路文檔和基本功能。


Glide OS

Glide OS

The next one we’ll take a look at is Glide OS which offers a free account and has 20GB of storage and up to 6 different users. It offers a lot of the same functionality of G.ho.st with their own unique interface and other features.

我們将看的下一個是Glide OS,它提供一個免費帳戶,并具有20GB的存儲空間和最多6個不同的使用者。 它提供了許多與G.ho.st相同的功能,以及它們自己的獨特界面和其他功能。


You can change the layout to Glide HD which allows easier navigation to the different services and features.

您可以将布局更改為Glide HD,進而可以更輕松地導航到不同的服務和功能。


There are different available office features that allow you to create documents and presentations and collaborate with others as well.



Here is an example of working on a Word document inside Glide OS.

這是在Glide OS中處理Word文檔的示例。


You can go through different themes and customize your desktop.





Other advantages of a Web OS are there is nothing to install, no Antivirus to worry with, and files and documents are available anywhere you have a web connection. Also you don’t need to worry a whole lot about a machines specs, but rather the speed of your Internet connection. There are a few other online operating systems to choose from like iCloud, and each one has different features. You might want to try each of them out to find the one that suites your needs. If you’re constantly moving from computer to computer to get work done, you may want to check out a Web OS. If nothing else, they are geeky and fun to play with.

Web OS的其他優點是無需安裝任何内容,無需擔心防病毒,并且在具有Web連接配接的任何位置都可以使用檔案和文檔。 另外,您無需擔心機器規格,而可以擔心Internet連接配接的速度。 還有其他一些線上作業系統可供選擇,例如iCloud ,每個都有不同的功能。 您可能想嘗試其中的每一種,以找到适合您需求的産品。 如果您不斷地在計算機之間移動以完成工作,則可能需要簽出Web OS。 如果沒有别的,他們很令人讨厭和有趣。

Gh.os.t Web Operating System

Gh.os.t Web作業系統

Glide OS Web Operating System

Glide OS Web作業系統

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/8733/use-a-web-os-to-get-work-done-and-store-files-in-the-cloud/
