


In my new job more people are using Python than Perl, and I have a very useful API that I wrote myself and I'd like to make available to my co-workers in Python.

I thought that a compiler that compiled Perl code into Python code would be really useful for such a task. Before trying to write something that parsed Perl (or at least, the subset of Perl that I've used in defining my API), I came across bridgekeeper from a consultancy.

It's almost certainly not worth the money for me to engage a consultancy to translate this API, but that's a really interesting tool.

Does anyone know of a compiler that will parse (or try to parse!) Perl5 code and compile it into Python? If there isn't such a thing, how should I start writing a simple compiler that parses my object-oriented Perl code and turns it into Python? Is there an ANTLR or YACC grammar that I can use as a starting point?

Edit: I found perl.y, which might be a starting point if I were to roll my own compiler.



I recommend you to just rewrite the module in Python, for several reasons:

Parsing Perl is DARN HARD. Unless this is an important and desirable exercise for you, you'll find yourself spending much more time on the translation than on useful work.

By rewriting it, you'll have a great chance to practice Python. Learning is best done by doing, and having a task you really need done is a great boon.

Finally, Python and Perl have quite different philosophies. To get a more Pythonic API, it's best to just rewrite it in Python.