


A major benefit of the <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">AJAX</st1:place></st1:city> web application over a standard desktop<o:p></o:p> application is that it’s built from the beginning to consume data and not<o:p></o:p> documents; this data can come from a central web server or an external<o:p></o:p>  web service. <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">AJAX</st1:place></st1:city> applications revolve around accessing and displaying<o:p></o:p> data. Unlike desktop applications, which are typically confined to local data<o:p></o:p> storage or use the network access occasionally for updates, AJAX-based<o:p></o:p> applications are consumers of web accessible data. Using the browser to<o:p></o:p> orchestrate and consume data from multiple sources in one interface is<o:p></o:p> powerful and opens a whole new range of applications that we explore<o:p></o:p> later. We have already seen this shift in how we consume and sometimes<o:p></o:p> produce web pages versus documents. Now, we have the ability to push<o:p></o:p> further and consume and update different types of data merely with the<o:p></o:p> browser.


AJAX Web應用相對于标準的桌面應用其一個主要的好處在于它建構的初衷是消費資料而不是消費文檔(譯注:這裡“消費”是指通路和顯示資料,“文檔”是指傳統桌面的文檔,例如 word,pdf類型文檔);這個資料可以來自于一個中央Web伺服器或一項外在的Web服務。AJAX應用圍繞着通路和顯示資料展開。不同于桌面應用,被典型的限制到本地存儲資料和偶爾的使用網絡更新資料。基于AJAX的應用是web可通路資料的消費者。使用浏覽器在一個界面裡組織和消費來自各種各樣資源的資料,這很強大并且開啟了一個完整的全新應用範圍。(我們将在以後提到。)我們已經看到了這種消費資料方式的變化以及不時的建立網頁而非文檔。。現在,我們有能力走得更遠并僅僅依靠浏覽器來消費和更新不同種類的資料。


問題:原文裡的 documents. 應該如何了解? 文檔? 桌面應用消費文檔??


