
DefaultHttpFirewalls in the spring security

Default Filters will be executed which is predefined in DefaultHttpFirewalls as the following order shows.

1. ConcurrentSessionFilter: retrieves a session and checks if the session has been marked as expired.

2. SecurityContextPersistenceFilter: To resolve servlet container (specifically Weblogic) incompatibilities.

3. LogoutFilter: redirect URLs if logout required.

4. AuthenticationFilters

    4.1 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter: Processes an authentication form submission.

    4.2 RemeberMeAuthenticationFilter: Detects if there is no Authentication in the SecurityContext, and populate a remember-me authentication token if a RememberMeServices implementation so requests.

    4.3 DefaultLoginPageGenerateFilter: Generate a new login page if user doesn't configure.

5. RequestCacheAwareFilter: Reconstitute the saved request if one is cached and it matches the current request.

6. SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter: Wrapper the http request which implements the servlet API security methods.

7. AnonymousAuthenticationFilter: Detect if there is no Authentication in the SecurityContextHolder and populates it with one if needed.

8. SessionManagementFilter: Detect if a user has been authenticated since the start of the request and perform any session-related activity. 9. ExceptionTranslationFilter: Provide the bridge between Java exceptions and HTTP responses.

10.User Buisness Controllers,which should implments org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controlle
