
java 泛型map,使用Java泛型與HashMap

java 泛型map,使用Java泛型與HashMap

I have a class B and C which both extends class A:

public class B extends A {...}

public class C extends A {...}

How can I use Java generics with a HashMap this way?

B b = new B();

C c = new C();

Map map = new HashMap();

map.put("B", b);

map.put("C", c);

Eclipse always shows an error:

The method put(String, capture#1-of ? extends A) in the type

Map is not applicable for the

arguments (String, B)


The method put(String, capture#1-of ? extends A) in the type

Map is not applicable for the

arguments (String, C)


Just change the type of the HashMap to

Map map = new HashMap();