
C++核心準則邊譯邊學-I.4 接口類型應該精準且嚴格

I.4 Make interfaces precisely and strongly typed(接口類型應該精準且嚴格)


Types are the simplest and best documentation, improve legibility due to their well-defined meaning, and are checked at compile time. Also, precisely typed code is often optimized better.


Example, don't(反面示例)


void pass(void* data);    // weak and under qualified type void* is suspicious      

Callers are unsure what types are allowed and if the data may be mutated as ​


​ is not specified. Note all pointer types implicitly convert to void*, so it is easy for callers to provide this value.


The callee must ​


​ data to an unverified type to use it. That is error-prone and verbose.


Only use ​

​const void*​

​​ for passing in data in designs that are indescribable in C++. Consider using a ​


​ or a pointer to base instead.

隻有在傳遞設計上C++無法描述的資料時才可以使用const void* 。否則考慮使用variant或者指向基礎類型的指針作為代替手段。

Alternative: Often, a template parameter can eliminate the ​


​​ turning it into a ​


​​ or ​


​​. For generic code these ​


​s can be general or concept constrained template parameters.



Example, bad(反面示例)


draw_rect(100, 200, 100, 500); // what do the numbers specify?draw_rect(p.x, p.y, 10, 20); // what units are 10 and 20 in?      

It is clear that the caller is describing a rectangle, but it is unclear what parts they relate to. Also, an ​


​​ can carry arbitrary forms of information, including values of many units, so we must guess about the meaning of the four ​


​​s. Most likely, the first two are an ​




​ coordinate pair, but what are the last two?


Comments and parameter names can help, but we could be explicit:


void draw_rectangle(Point top_left, Point bottom_right);void draw_rectangle(Point top_left, Size height_width);
draw_rectangle(p, Point{10, 20});  // two cornersdraw_rectangle(p, Size{10, 20});   // one corner and a (height, width) pair      

Obviously, we cannot catch all errors through the static type system (e.g., the fact that a first argument is supposed to be a top-left point is left to convention (naming and comments)).


Example, bad(反面示例)


set_settings(true, false, 42); // what do the numbers specify?      

The parameter types and their values do not communicate what settings are being specified or what those values mean.


This design is more explicit, safe and legible:


alarm_settings s{};s.enabled = true;s.displayMode = alarm_settings::mode::spinning_light;s.frequency = alarm_settings::every_10_seconds;set_settings(s);      

For the case of a set of boolean values consider using a flags enum; a pattern that expresses a set of boolean values.


enable_lamp_options(lamp_option::on | lamp_option::animate_state_transitions);      

Example, bad(反面示例)

In the following example, it is not clear from the interface what ​


​ means: Seconds? Milliseconds?


void blink_led(int time_to_blink) // bad -- the unit is ambiguous{    // ...    // do something with time_to_blink    // ...}
void use(){    blink_led(2);}      

Example, good(範例)()


​ types (C++11) helps making the unit of time duration explicit.


void blink_led(milliseconds time_to_blink) // good -- the unit is explicit{    // ...    // do something with time_to_blink    // ...}
void use(){    blink_led(1500ms);}      

The function can also be written in such a way that it will accept any time duration unit.


template<class rep, class period>void blink_led(duration<rep, period> time_to_blink) // good -- accepts any unit{    // assuming that millisecond is the smallest relevant unit    auto milliseconds_to_blink = duration_cast<milliseconds>(time_to_blink);    // ...    // do something with milliseconds_to_blink    // ...}
void use(){    blink_led(2s);    blink_led(1500ms);}      


  • (Simple) Report the use of​


    ​ as a parameter or return type.


  • (Simple) Report the use of more than one​


    ​ parameter.


  • (Hard to do well) Look for functions that use too many primitive type arguments.
