
How to Using exploits.


By RoMeO

I will discuss ways to handle and compile exploits. Alot of exploits come with "noob protection". Noob protection being they will move or add sections of text or scramble a simple statement so people immediatly know that it shouldnt be that way. This protects against skiddies and noobs from getting and running the exploit. I will show you how to compile exploits with Dev C++ and run perl and php scripts. I will also include the entire remote library from milw0rm compiled in complete.

Downloads: dev c++, perl (win), perl (source), openSSL (win)



[linker error] undefined reference to `[email protected]'

[linker error] undefined reference to `[email protected]'

Open dev c++ options

How to Using exploits.

in the main window will be a checkbox that says "Add the following commands when calling the compiler" type this in the box -lwsock32

How to Using exploits.

press ok and compile again.


Using Shellcodes

you can generate shellcodes for metasploits projects with ease. here is one i made for this post

/* win32_exec -  EXITFUNC=seh CMD=shutdown -f -s Size=168 Encoder=PexFnstenvSub http://metasploit.com */
unsigned char scode[] =

you can use that code and replace the shellcode in any exploit that uses the shellcode. You can generate new shellcodes here: http://metasploit.com:55555/PAYLOADS First, select the payload you wish to use.

How to Using exploits.

then type the command you want it to execute, then press "generate payload"

How to Using exploits.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:46 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

I will discuss ways to handle and compile exploits. Alot of exploits come with "noob protection". Noob protection being they will move or add sections of text or scramble a simple statement so people immediatly know that it shouldnt be that way. This protects against skiddies and noobs from getting and running the exploit. I will show you how to compile exploits with Dev C++ and run perl and php scripts. I will also include the entire remote library from milw0rm compiled in complete.

Downloads: dev c++, perl (win), perl (source), openSSL (win)



[linker error] undefined reference to `[email protected]'

[linker error] undefined reference to `[email protected]'

Open dev c++ options


in the main window will be a checkbox that says "Add the following commands when calling the compiler" type this in the box -lwsock32


press ok and compile again.


Using Shellcodes

you can generate shellcodes for metasploits projects with ease. here is one i made for this post


unsigned char scode[] =












you can use that code and replace the shellcode in any exploit that uses the shellcode. You can generate new shellcodes here: http://metasploit.com:55555/PAYLOADS First, select the payload you wish to use.


then type the command you want it to execute, then press "generate payload"


your shellcode should be printed out nicely for you.

- - -

Perl Exploits

If your using windows install this msi package. Lets use an example perl script from milw0rm. http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/3661

save that exploit to your c: drive as a file called "3661.pl". This exploit justs generates an HTML file exploit, "exploit.html". Its that simple. But some exploits require you to have SSL installed. so you can grab that for windows at the top of this post with the other downloads. Some exploits may require you to pass "arguments" to the application, like this epxloit.

uh oh, noob protection?

syntax error at C:2552.pl line 47, near "print"

Execution of C:2552.pl aborted due to compilation errors.

well instantly i see the end of the line $vul=" is on has no ";" at the end of it. Put that in there so it looks like this




now save it and try again. YAY

Text Code: Remove Scroll Bars

################################################## ########################
# #
# phpBB Security <= 1.0.1 Remote File Include Vulnerability #
# Bug found By : Ashiyane Corporation #
# Email: nima salehi nima[at]ashiyane.ir #
# Web Site : www.Ashiyane.ir #
# #
################################################## ########################
Usage: Ashiyane.pl [host] [path]

EX : Ashiyane.pl www.victim.com /path/
