

文 / 王不留(微信公衆号:考研英語筆記)

BuzzFeed’s listing sends a warning


BuzzFeed, an American digital-media company, listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange on Monday through a merger with a special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC). The company entered the market under the ticker BZFD at $10.95 and saw an initial price surge of over 35%. But prices were quick to fall and were being traded at $9.01 later in the day. The flotation of the news website, once known for listicles and now a Pulitzer prize-winner, is being closely watched by competitors. Forbes, Vox Media, Vice and LadBible are all mulling, or have announced, plans to go public, many of them by way of a SPAC.

So far, the process has not been kind to BuzzFeed. Prior to the disappointing first hours of trading, shareholders at 890 5th Avenue Partners, the SPAC it merged with, approved the deal on December 2nd. But SPAC investors can choose to redeem their shares rather than investing in a target entity, and many did. BuzzFeed will only receive $16m from this source, less than 6% of the $288m that was theoretically available. The redemption rate for all SPACs has climbed in 2021; this episode will further dampen the buzz about them.

BuzzFeed’s listing sends a warning







BuzzFeed, an American digital-media company, listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange on Monday through a merger with a special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC). The company entered the market under the ticker BZFD at $10.95 and saw an initial price surge of over 35%. But prices were quick to fall and were being traded at $9.01 later in the day. The flotation of the news website, once known for listicles and now a Pulitzer prize-winner, is being closely watched by competitors. Forbes, Vox Media, Vice and LadBible are all mulling, or have announced, plans to go public, many of them by way of a SPAC.

通過與一家特殊目标并購公司(SPAC)合并,美國數字媒體公司BuzzFeed周一登陸納斯達克證券交易所。該公司股票代碼為“BZFD”,在以10.95美元開盤後,股價漲幅超過35%。但之後股價迅速下跌,當天晚些時候的交易價為9.01美元。這家新聞網站的上市正受到競争對手的密切關注。該網站曾以“清單式文章”(也叫“清單體”,一種以數字标注或者分行羅列的清單作為主要形式的文章,比如“王不留持續更新的8大經典外刊”,“不能錯過的16個精彩瞬間”,“20件不做會後悔的事情”等等)而聞名,現在是普利策獎(美國獎勵報紙、雜志、數位新聞報導和文學、音樂創作有傑出表現所設的獎項,被譽為新聞界的“奧斯卡金像獎”)得主。福布斯、Vox Media、Vice和LadBible都在謀劃或宣布上市計劃,其中有許多公司會采用SPAC的方式。

stock exchange 證券交易所 ;  證券交易 ;  股票交易 

merger 合并 ;  歸并 

acquisition 獲得,得到 ;  購得物 ;  購置物 ;  收購的公司 ;  購置的産業 ;  購置 ;  收購 

initial price 開價,最初要價,原始價格,開盤價 

surge 湧 ;  洶湧 ;  湧動 ;  使強烈地感到 ;  急劇上升 ;  飛漲 ;  激增 ;  突發 ;  急劇上升,激增 ;  大量 ;  一大批 ;  奔湧向前 ;  突然的向上運動

flotation 發行股份 ;  浮 ;  漂浮 

known for 以…而聞名 

mulling 長時間考慮 ;  仔細考慮 ;  mull的現在分詞 

go public 上市 ;  公開出售股份 

by way of 路經,途經 ;  作為,當作 ;  意在,為了


SPAC(Special Purpose Acquisition Company)直譯為“特殊目的并購公司”,也稱作“SPAC平台”,是美國資本市場特有的一種上市公司形式。







  • 通過傳統IPO方式上市,需要完成選擇中介機構、向證監會和交易所送出資料、路演定價等流程
  • 通過SPAC的方式上市,目标公司隻需與已上市主體合并,即可完成上市


  • 上市一定程度的确定性:SPAC公司在指定時間之内(通常18-24個月)必須完成收購,對于被并購的目标公司來說,隻要達到相應條件、完成合并即可實作上市,具有上市确定性。
  • 估值彈性:SPAC上市的價格,取決于目标公司和SPAC管理層的談判。相比于傳統IPO的價格受市場環境影響較大,SPAC目标公司具有相對優勢的談判地位,是以被券商壓榨和被證券市場打壓股票價格的風險要小很多。
  • 融資有保障:SPAC本身已認證投資者的認購募集了數千萬美元資金,完成與SPAC的反向并購,目标企業即可實作上市,同時獲得融資。


So far, the process has not been kind to BuzzFeed. Prior to the disappointing first hours of trading, shareholders at 890 5th Avenue Partners, the SPAC it merged with, approved the deal on December 2nd. But SPAC investors can choose to redeem their shares rather than investing in a target entity, and many did. BuzzFeed will only receive $16m from this source, less than 6% of the $288m that was theoretically available. The redemption rate for all SPACs has climbed in 2021; this episode will further dampen the buzz about them.

到目前為止,上市過程對BuzzFeed并不友好。在首日股票交易不順之前,被合并的“特殊目的收購公司”(SPAC)— 第五大道890号合夥人(890 5th Avenue Partners,這是公司名字)的股東們于12月2日才準許了該并購交易。另外,SPAC的投資者可以選擇贖回其股份,而不是繼續投資合并後的公司,許多人确實這樣做了。BuzzFeed隻能從這個來源獲得1600萬美元,不到理論上可用資金(2.88億美元)的6%。整個“特殊目的收購公司”的贖回率在2021年有所上升;這一事件(BuzzFeed借助SPAC上市的過程中,投資者大量撤資)進一步減弱了人們對SPAC上市方式的熱情。

So far 目前為止 ;  如此程度 ;  這個地步 ;  迄今為止 

disappointing 令人失望的 ;  令人沮喪的 ;  令人掃興的 ;  使失望 ;  使破滅 ;  使落空 ;  disappoint的現在分詞 

shareholders 股東 ;  shareholder的複數 

merged 合并,結合,并入 ;  相融 ;  融入 ;  漸漸消失在某物中 ;  merge的過去分詞和過去式 

redeem 贖回 ;  救贖 ;  拯救 ;  彌補 ;  補救 ;  掩飾…之不足 ;  挽回影響 ;  改變印象 ;  維護 

rather than 而不是 ;  而不 

entity 實體 ;  獨立存在物

less than 少于 ;  毫不 ;  完全不 ;  一點都不 

theoretically 從理論上說;照理說 

climbed 攀登 ;  爬 ;  登山,攀岩 ;  climb的過去分詞和過去式 

episode 插曲 ;  一段經曆 ;  片段 ;  一集