



How to declare and use byte[] in C#?


如何在C#中聲明和使用byte []?

C#中的字元串到位元組數組的轉換 (String to Byte Array Conversion in C#)

In C#, it is possible that a

string can be converted to a byte array

by using Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes() method, it accepts a string as a parameter and returns a byte array.







In C#, the string contains two bytes per character; the method converts it into 1 byte. Still, sometimes it is possible to lose the data.


在C#中,字元串每個字元包含兩個位元組;每個字元包含兩個位元組。 該方法将其轉換為1個位元組。 但是,有時仍可能會丢失資料。

Syntax: 句法:

Method Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes() contains various overloaded methods, here we are using the following method type...


byte[] Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(String_Object);
Example: 例:

This example contains a constant string and converting it to byte[]

本示例包含一個常量字元串,并将其轉換為byte []

using System;
using System.Text;

namespace Test
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string str = "Hello World! I am [email protected]";
            //reading all characters as byte and storing them to byte[]
            byte[] barr = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);

            //printing characters with byte values
            for(int loop =0; loop<barr.Length-1; loop++)
                Console.WriteLine("Byte of char \'" + str[loop] + "\' : " + barr[loop]);

            //hit ENTER to exit
Output 輸出量
Byte of char 'H' : 72
Byte of char 'e' : 101
Byte of char 'l' : 108
Byte of char 'l' : 108
Byte of char 'o' : 111
Byte of char ' ' : 32
Byte of char 'W' : 87
Byte of char 'o' : 111
Byte of char 'r' : 114
Byte of char 'l' : 108
Byte of char 'd' : 100
Byte of char '!' : 33
Byte of char ' ' : 32
Byte of char 'I' : 73
Byte of char ' ' : 32
Byte of char 'a' : 97
Byte of char 'm' : 109
Byte of char ' ' : 32
Byte of char 'I' : 73
Byte of char 'n' : 110
Byte of char 'c' : 99
Byte of char 'l' : 108
Byte of char 'u' : 117
Byte of char 'd' : 100
Byte of char 'e' : 101
Byte of char 'H' : 72
Byte of char 'e' : 101
Byte of char 'l' : 108
Byte of char 'p' : 112
Byte of char '@' : 64
Byte of char '1' : 49
Byte of char '2' : 50
Byte of char '3' : 51
翻譯自: https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/convert-string-to-byte-array-in-c-sharp.aspx
