
no instance of overloaded function "AfxMessageBox" matches the argument list


AfxMessageBox("Failed to connect to server\nTry again?",MB_YESNO) 
出現問題:no instance of overloaded function "AfxMessageBox" matches the argument list      


添加 L  如下

AfxMessageBox( L"Failed to connect to server\nTry again?",MB_YESNO)

究其原因是“字元集”的問題,改“使用 Unicode 字元集”為 “使用多位元組字元集”  AfxMessageBox("Failed to connect to server\nTry again?",MB_YESNO)   不添加 L 也 可以。

int AfxMessageBox(

   LPCTSTR lpszText,

   UINT nType = MB_OK,

   UINT nIDHelp = 0 




Points to a CString object or null-terminated string containing the message to be displayed in the message box.
The style of the message box. Apply any of the message-box styles to the box.
The Help context ID for the message; 0 indicates the application's default Help context will be used.


The first form of this overloaded function displays a text string pointed to by lpszText in the message box and uses nIDHelp to describe a Help context. The Help context is used to jump to an associated Help topic when the user presses the Help key (typically F1).


// A simple message box, with only the OK button.

AfxMessageBox("Simple message box.");

// A message box that uses a string from a string table

// with yes and no buttons and the stop icon.

// NOTE: nStringID is an integer that contains a valid id of

// a string in the current resource.

AfxMessageBox(nStringID, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONSTOP);      
