
在word 中怎麼光标對齊_如何在Microsoft Word中水準對齊表

在word 中怎麼光标對齊_如何在Microsoft Word中水準對齊表

在word 中怎麼光标對齊

在word 中怎麼光标對齊_如何在Microsoft Word中水準對齊表

If you have a table that doesn’t take up the full width of your Word document, you can change its horizontal alignment on the page and even fine-tune how far it’s indented if you’ve got it aligned to the left of the page. Here’s how that works.

如果您的表格沒有占用Word文檔的整個寬度,則可以在頁面上更改其水準對齊方式,甚至可以調整它在頁面左側對齊的縮程序度。 。 這是這樣的。

如何更改表格的水準對齊方式 (How to Change a Table’s Horizontal Alignment)

You can easily align your table to the left, center, or right of the page in your Word document.


The only caveat here is that the table can’t be set to take up the full width of the page if you want to use these alignment options. Full-width is the default state when you create a new table, so if you’ve got a table that doesn’t need to be that big, you’ll need to change that setting.

唯一需要注意的是,如果要使用這些對齊選項,則不能将表格設定為占據頁面的整個寬度。 當建立新表時,全角是預設狀态,是以,如果您有一個不需要那麼大的表,則需要更改該設定。

The easiest way to do that is to click anywhere in the table to put the focus on it, and then to grab the resizing handle at the bottom right of the table. When you rest your pointer over the handle, it changes into a double arrow. You can then click and drag that handle to make your table any size you want.

最簡單的方法是單擊表格中的任意位置以将焦點放在表格上,然後抓住表格右下角的調整大小搖桿。 當您将指針放在搖桿上時,它會變為雙箭頭。 然後,您可以單擊并拖動該搖桿,以使您的表具有所需的任何大小。

在word 中怎麼光标對齊_如何在Microsoft Word中水準對齊表

Now that your table is no longer full-width, you can adjust its alignment on the page. Right-click anywhere inside the table and then choose the “Table Properties” command from the context menu that appears.

現在您的表格不再是全角,您可以在頁面上調整其對齊方式。 右鍵單擊表内的任何位置,然後從出現的上下文菜單中選擇“表屬性”指令。

在word 中怎麼光标對齊_如何在Microsoft Word中水準對齊表

In the Table Properties window that opens, you can choose left, center, or right alignment by clicking those options in the “Alignment” section. While you’re here, note that you can also fine-tune the width of your table by selecting the “Preferred Width” option and then specifying exactly how wide it should be. It gives you a little more control than just dragging the handle the way we showed you before.

在打開的“表格屬性”視窗中,可以通過單擊“對齊”部分中的那些選項來選擇左對齊,居中對齊或右對齊。 當您在這裡時,請注意,您還可以通過選擇“首選寬度”選項,然後精确指定其寬度來微調表格的寬度。 它不僅僅像我們之前展示的那樣拖動搖桿,還為您提供了更多控制。

在word 中怎麼光标對齊_如何在Microsoft Word中水準對齊表

If you’re aligning your table to the left side of the page, you can also adjust the space of the indent from the left margin using the “Indent From Left” box to the right. Here, we’re indenting our table a full inch from the left margin.

如果要将表格對齊到頁面的左側,也可以使用右側的“從左縮進”框從左邊緣調整縮進的空間。 在這裡,我們将表格縮進到距左邊緣整英寸的位置。

在word 中怎麼光标對齊_如何在Microsoft Word中水準對齊表

There’s also one more setting you should be aware of here: text wrapping. If you’ve got a small table, you can select the “Around” option to have your document’s main body of text wrap around the table so that you’re not left with a lot of white space on the page. Click that “Positioning” button over on the right, and you can make some additional adjustments, such as exactly how close you want the text to flow around the table.

您還應該在這裡了解另外一項設定:文字換行。 如果您的桌子很小,則可以選擇“ Around”選項,将文檔的主體文本環繞在桌子上,這樣就不會在頁面上留下很多空白。 單擊右側的“定位”按鈕,您可以進行一些其他調整,例如,希望文本在表格周圍流動的精确程度。

在word 中怎麼光标對齊_如何在Microsoft Word中水準對齊表

And here’s what our small, left-justified table looks like with text wrapping enabled.


在word 中怎麼光标對齊_如何在Microsoft Word中水準對齊表

It’s not hard at all to change the horizontal alignment of a table in Word, but there are quite a few options you can tweak if you know where to look.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/361854/how-to-align-a-table-horizontally-in-microsoft-word/

在word 中怎麼光标對齊