

***上一篇是對STL空間配置器的入門級了解,在這一篇中,我将讨論更加深入的SGI STL空間擴充卡的内容。在下一節中,我将根據自己的了解,結合STL标準接口,實作一個符合STL标準的具有次級配置能力的簡單空間配置器,将剪掉一切不需要的代碼,在加上我自己的了解,實作一個更容易閱讀與了解的空間配置器。


我們現在來讨論SGI STL的空間配置器,這是STL能正常、合理、高效工作的基礎和動力,他讓使用STL的各個元件變得更加容易,有了空間配置器,我們就不需要自己去管理記憶體,當然也不需要自己去處理記憶體不足的問題。既然是STL的基礎,那麼就要打好這個基礎,STL從這裡開始,我想,最後還是會回到這裡。

STL空間配置器有一套标準接口,這對我們很重要,因為如果我們想要自己寫一套屬于自己的STL版本,那就應該努力符合STL标準。SGI當然也有一個符合STL标準的空間配置器,但是在源代碼的開始,SGI就奉勸大家不要輕易使用這個版本的空間配置器,留着它隻是為了相容STL标準,是以,很明顯這個檔案不會被SGI STL用到,但是我們還是來看看它吧,也乘機了解了解STL标準的空間配置器張什麼樣子。

//為了相容STL标準而寫的這個檔案,實際上SGI STL并沒有使用這個檔案作為他的空間配置器
template <class T>
inline T* allocate(ptrdiff_t size, T*) {
    set_new_handler(); //應該還記得new-handler機制吧(out-of-memory)
    T* tmp = (T*)(::operator new((size_t)(size * sizeof(T))));
    if (tmp == ) {
    cerr << "out of memory" << endl; 
    return tmp; //傳回一個對象指針
template <class T>
inline void deallocate(T* buffer) {
    ::operator delete(buffer);
template <class T>
class allocator {
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef T* pointer;
    typedef const T* const_pointer;
    typedef T& reference;
    typedef const T& const_reference;
    typedef size_t size_type;
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
    pointer allocate(size_type n) { 
    return ::allocate((difference_type)n, (pointer));
    void deallocate(pointer p) { ::deallocate(p); }
    pointer address(reference x) { return (pointer)&x; }
    const_pointer const_address(const_reference x) { 
    return (const_pointer)&x; 

    size_type init_page_size() { 
    return max(size_type(), size_type(/sizeof(T))); 
    size_type max_size() const { 
    return max(size_type(), size_type(UINT_MAX/sizeof(T))); 
class allocator<void> {
    typedef void* pointer;






SGI STL空間擴充卡用到了一種稱為“記憶體池”的技術,這是一種較為進階的記憶體管理技術,在實作上,可以首先向作業系統申請一塊較大的記憶體空間,然後以後的每次記憶體操作都使用記憶體池接口,這樣就可以實作用記憶體池來管理程式中的記憶體操作,如果設計合理,使用記憶體池可以提高代碼的效率,還能有效減少記憶體碎片化問題,比直接使用malloc和free好很多。


最後,我們來看看SGI STL的空間配置器的檔案組織模式。


#include <stl_algobase.h>
#include <stl_alloc.h>   //負責記憶體空間的配置與釋放,裡面有一二級配置器
#include <stl_construct.h> //負責對象内容的構造與析構
#include <stl_tempbuf.h>
#include <stl_uninitialized.h>   //全局函數,輔助
#include <stl_raw_storage_iter.h>



好啦,下面我們就要開始真正的寫一個自己的配置器了,主要内容依然參照SGI STL的空間配置器,但是去掉了一切進階的功能(比如線程支援),這些支援将在最後加上。

 * CopyRight (c) 2016
 * HuJian in nankai edu.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
 * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
 * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
 * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
 * in supporting documentation.  Silicon Graphics makes no
 * representations about the suitability of this software for any
 * purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
 * Time :2016/4/5 in nankai edu
#ifndef _HJ_STL_ALLOC_H_
#define _HJ_STL_ALLOC_H_

//if out of memory,just exit after print the info.
#define  _THROW_BAD_ALLOC cerr<<"out of memory"<<endl; exit(1);

//this is the new-handler handler,using when oom
void(*_malloc_alloc_oom_handler_hjstl)() = ;

//this is the first class of mmu in hjstl,this class will work
//if the second dispatch the job to it.
template<int inst>
class _malloc_alloc_first{
    static void* oom_malloc(size_t); //this function use to malloc and has the new-handler
    static void* oom_remalloc(void*, size_t);//re-malloc
    //this function is the first allocator of hjstl
    static void* allocate(size_t size)
        void* result = malloc(size);
        //check and dispatch it to oom_malloc if oom 
        if ( == result) result = oom_malloc(size);
        return result;
    //re-malloc,same as malloc
    static void* remallocate(void* old, size_t/*old mem size*/, size_t new_size)
        void* result = realloc(old, new_size);
        if ( == result) result = oom_remalloc(old, new_size);
        return result;
    static void deallocate(void* mem, size_t size)
        //we not use the memory pool,so just use free
        //but we will use the memory pool to manage the memory of 
        //hjstl later

    //we can use this function to set the new handler
    static void(*set_malloc_handler(void(*handler)()))()
        //get the old oom handler,and we will return it to process
        void(*old)() = _malloc_alloc_oom_handler_hjstl;
        //set the new handler
        _malloc_alloc_oom_handler_hjstl = handler;
        return (old);
};//end of malloc alloc first 

///---impelment the first allocate of hjstl
template<int inst>
void* _malloc_alloc_first<inst>::oom_malloc(size_t size)
    //this is the oom handler,this function will use this function when 
    //out of memory
    void* result;
    for (;;){//i will loop to test till i get the memory
        my_malloc_handler = _malloc_alloc_oom_handler_hjstl;
        if ( == my_malloc_handler) { _THROW_BAD_ALLOC; }
        //else,the handler defined,i can use it,run this handler
        result = malloc(size);
        if (result) return result;//succeed!!!
//same as malloc
template<int inst>
void* _malloc_alloc_first<inst>::oom_remalloc(void* old, size_t size)
    void (* my_handler)();
    void* result;
    for (;;){
        my_handler = _malloc_alloc_oom_handler_hjstl;
        if ( == myhandler) { _THROW_BAD_ALLOC; }
        result = realloc(old, size);
        if (result) return result;

//ok,i need to define a first allocate,and if the second 
//allocate can not do it,let me try!
typedef _malloc_alloc_first<> malloc_alloc_first_hjstl;

//we do this,because we need to let the HJSTL standard with STL
template<class Type,class HJALLOC>
class STD_STL_Alloc{
    static Type* allocate(size_t size){
        return  == n ?  : (Type*)HJALLOC::allocate(size*sizeof(Type));
    static Type* allocate(){
        return (Type*)HJALLOC::allocate(sizeof(Type));
    static void deallocate(Type* mem,size_t size){
        if (size != ){
    static void deallocate(Type* mem){

//ok,start to write the second allocator
//and some auxiliary variable neeed to define here
#define  _ALIGN       8                     //the min mem block
#define  _MAX_BYTES   128               //the max mem block
#define  _NFREELISTS  _MAX_BYTES/_ALIGN  //this is the num of free list

template<int inst>//no thread supposed
class _malloc_alloc_second{
    //round up a size
    static size_t HJSTL_ROUND_UP(size_t bytes){
        //ok,i use the SGI STL's round up method,it nice 
        return (((bytes)+_ALIGN - ) & ~(_ALIGN - ));
    //this function will find the free list's position in the array actually
    static size_t HJSTL_FREELIST_INDEX(size_t bytes){
        //i just copy the sgi stl's code here.
        return (((bytes)+_ALIGN - ) / _ALIGN - );
    //this is the free list's node strcture
    //this is a usion.just copy the sgi stl's 
    union free_list_node{
        free_list_node* free_list_link;//store the next free list
        char            data[];//if assigned,this is the user's data
    //this is the array of free lists
    static free_list_node* free_list[_NFREELISTS];

    //return an object of size n,and this function will re-fill the
    //free list,update the free list array .
    static void* refill(size_t size);

    //memory pool,and allocate a chunk for nobjs of size 'size'
    //if the memory of pool is not so enough,this function will 
    //return the real num of nobjs
    static char* chunk_alloc(size_t size, int &nobjs);

    //this is a sample memory pool
    static char* pool_free_start;
    static char* pool_free_end;
    static size_t  heap_size;

    //the second allocate
    static void* allocate(size_t size)
        free_list_node*  my_free_list;
        free_list_node*  result;
        //dispatch the job,if the ask memory bigger _MAX_BYTES,use
        //the first allocate,else use the second allocate
        if (size > (size_t)_MAX_BYTES){
            return (malloc_alloc_first_hjstl::allocate(size));
        //else ,use the second allocate to do this job
        //find the aim-free list 
        my_free_list = free_list + HJSTL_FREELIST_INDEX(size);
        //now,the result is the header pointer of this list
        result = *my_free_list;
        if ( == result){//shirt,this list is empty,i will call refill to help me
            void* r = refill(HJSTL_ROUND_UP(size));
            return r;
        //else,this free list is not empty,just use the header pointer
        //and change the free list.
        *my_free_list = result->free_list_link;
        return result;

    //the second deallocate
    static void deallocate(void* mem, size_t size)
        free_list_node* my_free_list;
        free_list_node* new_header_pointer = (free_list_node*)mem;
        //dispatch the job
        if (size > (size_t)_MAX_BYTES){
            malloc_alloc_first_hjstl::deallocate(mem, size);
        //else,solve it.
        //first of all,i will find the free list's position
        my_free_list = free_list + HJSTL_FREELIST_INDEX(size);
        //change the list
        new_header_pointer->free_list_link = my_free_list;
        *my_free_list = new_header_pointer;

    //this is the second reallocate
    static void* reallocate(void* old, size_t old_size, size_t new_size);

};//end of second allocator

//heihei,this is the default alloc,we will use this alloc in our project
typedef _malloc_alloc_second<> hjstl_alloc;
#endif  //end of _HJ_STL_ALLOC_H_



