





CVS用戶端軟體: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tortoisecvs/ 并安裝。

下載下傳SSH用戶端的puttygen.exe和pageant.exe http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html

2)産生ssh的public key和private key



To generate a SSH key using PuTTY:

  1. Execute the PUTTYGEN.EXE program.
  2. Select the desired key type, "SSH2 DSA", within the "Parameters" section.
  3. Click on the "Generate" button.
  4. Follow the instruction to move the mouse over the blank area of the program in order to create random data used by PUTTYGEN to generate secure keys. Key generation will occur once PUTTYGEN has collected sufficient random data.
  5. Enter [email protected] or [email protected] for the key comment, depending on what host the key is for, replacing USERNAME with your SourceForge.net username.
  6. Enter the desired passphrase in the "Key passphrase" and "Confirm passphrase" fields. If the key will be used for automation of operations (i.e. as part of a script), you may choose to omit this step from the key generation process.
  7. Click on the "Save private key" button. Use the resulting dialog to save your private key data for future use. You may use a filename such as "SourceForge-Shell.ppk" or "SourceForge-CF.ppk". The .ppk extension is used for PuTTY Private Key files.
  8. Go to the SSH key posting page on the SourceForge.net site. Copy your public key data from the "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys2 file" section of the PuTTY Key Generator, and paste the key data to the provided form on the SourceForge.net site. Click on the "Update" button to complete the posting process.
  9. Exit the PuTTY Key Generator (PUTTYGEN).
  10. Key data sync to hosts from the SourceForge.net site occurs on regular intervals. Your key data will be synchronized to the designated servers (either shell and CVS, or the Compile Farm) after a short delay.

要注意的是,一定要按照上面列的先後順序。第8步是把public key copy到 https://sourceforge.net/account/ 而private key是自己儲存的。(了解資訊安全的應該都明白)


選擇"Add Key",然後選擇你在本地的私鑰檔案,輸入你為私鑰設定的密碼。 先不要退出該程式。

4) 如果你想 建立module到SF.net

先 選中你在本地的源代碼檔案夾,然後點右鍵選擇"CVS=>建立新子產品"。

在彈出的frame中,protocal選擇 ssh或者ext;server選擇 agileflow.cvs.sourceforge.net;port不選;

庫目錄填/cvsroot/agileflow; username填 hongsoft;module 可以填你自己取的名字比如 smart_forleave


5) 後面的送出/修改/删除就和一般的CVS的使用是一樣的了。