
App Store稽核被拒:App Store Review Guideline 2.5.2 and section 3.3.2 of the Apple Developer Program



最近新開發了個軟體送出App Store稽核,被拒了兩次,原因都是:

Performance: Software Requirements


Thank you for resubmitting your app for review.

Guideline  - Performance - Software Requirements

Your app, extension, or linked framework appears to contain code designed explicitly with the capability to change your app’s behavior or functionality after App Review approval, which is not in compliance with App Store Review Guideline  and section  of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.

This code, combined with a remote resource, can facilitate significant changes to your app’s behavior compared to when it was initially reviewed for the App Store. While you may not be using this functionality currently, it has the potential to load private frameworks, private methods, and enable future feature changes. This includes any code which passes arbitrary parameters to dynamic methods such as dlopen(), dlsym(), respondsToSelector:, performSelector:, method_exchangeImplementations(), and running remote scripts in order to change app behavior and/or call SPI, based on the contents of the downloaded script. Even if the remote resource is not intentionally malicious, it could easily be hijacked via a Man In The Middle (MiTM) attack, which can pose a serious security vulnerability to users of your app.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please perform an in-depth review of your app and remove any code, frameworks, or SDKs that fall in line with the functionality described above and resubmit your app’s binary for review.



你的App違反了App Store的稽核規則2.5.2和3.3.2。應用程式中或者架構中使用了蘋果禁止的私有方法,或者熱修複。




1.個推SDK - 第三方推送

2.高德地圖SDK - 地圖功能

跟個推和高德的開發人員聯系之後他們目前已經決定了因為自身SDK問題可能引起的App Store稽核被拒,大家隻需要更新要最新的SDK即可。

