
The rate shock 利率沖擊 | 經濟學人中英雙語精讀筆記

譯 / 柳下嬰(微信公衆号:王不留)

The rate shock 利率沖擊 | 經濟學人中英雙語精讀筆記


The rate shock


The rate shock 利率沖擊 | 經濟學人中英雙語精讀筆記

Markets are reeling from higher rates.The world economy is next


If the Fed tightens until something breaks, the first cracking sounds could be in Europe


[1] The world’s financial markets are going through their most painful adjustment since the global financial crisis. Adapting to the prospect of higher American interest rates, the ten-year Treasury yield briefly hit 4% this week, its highest level since 2010. Global stockmarkets have sold off sharply, and bond portfolios have lost an astonishing 21% this year.


[2] The dollar is crushing all comers. The greenback is up by 5.5% since mid-August on a trade-weighted basis, partly because the Fed is raising rates but also because investors are backing away from risk. Across Asia, governments are intervening to resist the depreciation of their currencies. In Europe Britain has poured the fuel of reckless fiscal policy on the fire, causing it to lose the confidence of investors. And as bond yields surge, the euro zone’s indebted economies are looking their most fragile since the sovereign-debt crisis a decade ago.


[3] The primary cause of the market chaos is the Federal Reserve's fight with inflation. Because the Fed has lost the first three or four rounds since prices began to surge in 2021, it is now swinging harder. The central bank expects to raise the federal funds rate to nearly 4.5% by the end of the year and higher still in 2023. The outlook for rates is rippling through America’s financial system. The cost of 30-year mortgages is nearly 7%. Junk-bond yields are already over 9%, which has caused the issuance of new debt to dry up. Bankers who underwrote leveraged buy-outs when yields were lower are suddenly finding themselves hundreds of millions of dollars in the red. Pension funds which gorged on opaque private assets in pursuit of higher returns when rates were lower must now tot up their losses as risky investments slump in value.


[4] Yet it is outside America where the financial effects of the Fed’s monetary tightening have been most severe. The surging dollar is painful for energy importers that were already grappling with higher costs. India, Thailand and Singapore have intervened in financial markets to support their currencies. Emerging-market currency reserves have fallen by over $200bn in the past year, according to JPMorgan Chase, a bank—the fastest fall in two decades.

然而,美聯儲收緊貨币政策的金融影響最嚴重的是美國以外的國家。對于已經在努力應對成本上漲的能源進口商來說,美元飙升是痛苦的。印度、泰國和新加坡紛紛幹預金融市場以支撐本國貨币。據摩根大通銀行(JPMorgan Chase)的資料,新興市場國家的外匯存底在過去一年中減少了2000億美元——這是20年來下降最快的一次。

[5] Advanced economies can usually withstand dollar strength. Today, if anything, they are showing greater signs of immediate stress. Some of the worst-performing currencies in 2022 are from the rich world. Sweden raised rates by a full percentage point on September 20th and still saw its currency fall against the dollar. In Britain surging yields on government debt have failed to attract much foreign capital. The Bank of Korea is lending currency reserves to the national pension fund so that it buys fewer dollars in the open market. In Japan the government has intervened to buy yen for the first time this century, despite the apparently ironclad determination of the central bank to keep interest rates low.

發達經濟體通常能夠承受美元走強。今天,如果有的話,他們正在顯示出承受緊迫壓力的突出迹象。2022年一些表現最差的貨币來自發達國家。瑞典在9月20日将利率提高了整整一個百分點,但其貨币兌美元匯率仍然下跌。在英國,政府債務收益率飙升,未能吸引大量外國資本。南韓央行(Bank of Korea)将外匯存底借給南韓國家養老基金,以減少其在公開市場上購買美元的數量。在日本,政府本世紀第一次幹預購買日元,盡管日本央行顯然下定了維持低利率的堅定決心。

[6] Part of the explanation for the pressure on advanced-economy currencies is that many central banks have hitherto failed to keep pace with the Fed's tightening—but with good reason, because their economies are weaker. The energy crisis is about to plunge Europe into recession.


[7] A strong dollar, in effect, exports America's domestic inflation problem to weaker economies. They can support their currencies by raising rates in line with the Fed, but only at the cost of even lower growth. Britain has the worst of both worlds. Markets now expect the Bank of England to set the highest rates of any big rich economy next year but sterling has slumped all the same. If the bank follows through with rate rises, the housing market could collapse.