


The xv6 file system provides data files, which are uninterpreted byte arrays, and directories, which contain named references to data files and other directories. The directories form a tree, starting at a special directory called the root. A path like /a/b/c refers to the file or directory named c inside the directory named b inside the directory named a in the root directory /. Paths that don’t begin with / are evaluated relative to the calling process’s current directory, which can be changed with the chdir system call. Both these code fragments open the same file (assuming all the directories involved exist):




The first fragment changes the process’s current directory to /a/b; the second neither refers to nor changes the process’s current directory.


There are multiple system calls to create a new file or directory: mkdir creates a new directory, open with the O_CREATE flag creates a new data file, and mknod creates a new device file. This example illustrates all three:


  • mkdir建立一個新目錄
  • open中若使用O_CREATE标志将會建立一個新的資料檔案
  • mknod建立一個新的裝置檔案




Mknod creates a file in the file system, but the file has no contents. Instead, the file’s metadata marks it as a device file and records the major and minor device numbers (the two arguments to mknod), which uniquely identify a kernel device. When a process later opens the file, the kernel diverts read and write system calls to the kernel device implementation instead of passing them to the file system.


A file’s name is distinct from the file itself; the same underlying file, called an inode, can have multiple names, called links.


fstat retrieves information about the object a file descriptor refers to. It fills in a struct stat, defined in stat.h as:

fstat系統調用從檔案描述符所引用的inode中檢索資訊。它填充一個stat類型的結構體,struct stat在stat.h(kernel/stat.h)中定義為:



The link system call creates another file system name referring to the same inode as an existing file. This fragment creates a new file named both a and b.


open("a", O_CREATE | O_WRONLY);
link("a", "b");           

Reading from or writing to a is the same as reading from or writing to b. Each inode is identified by a unique inode number. After the code sequence above, it is possible to determine that a and b refer to the same underlying contents by inspecting the result of fstat: both will return the same inode number (ino), and the nlink count will be set to 2.


The unlink system call removes a name from the file system. The file’s inode and the disk space holding its content are only freed when the file’s link count is zero and no file descriptors refer to it. Thus adding



to the last code sequence leaves the inode and file content accessible as b. Further more,


fd = open("/tmp/xyz", O_CREATE | O_RDWR);

is an idiomatic way to create a temporary inode that will be cleaned up when the process closes fd or exits.


Shell commands for file system operations are implemented as user-level programs such as mkdir, ln, rm, etc. This design allows anyone to extend the shell with new user commands by just adding a new user-level program. In hindsight this plan seems obvious, but other systems designed at the time of Unix often built such commands into the shell (and built the shell into the kernel).


One exception is cd, which is built into the shell (8716) . cd must change the current working directory of the shell itself. If cd were run as a regular command, then the shell would fork a child process, the child process would run cd, and cd would change the child’s working directory. The parent’s (i.e., the shell’s) working directory would not change.
