
【Android Training - Connectivity】優化下載下傳的效率[Lesson 0 - 章節概覽] Transferring Data Without Draining the Battery [傳輸資料時不要浪費電量]

Transferring Data Without Draining the Battery


Dependencies and prerequisites

  • Android 2.0 (API Level 5) or higher

You should also read

  • Optimizing Battery Life
  • 在這一章,我們将學習為了最小化某些操作對電量的影響是如何處理下載下傳,網絡連接配接,尤其是無線電波的。
  • 這一章,示範了如何使用緩存caching,輪詢polling,預取prefetching等技術來安排并執行下載下傳操作。
  • 我們會學習無線電波的power-use屬性配置是如何影響我們對于在何時,用什麼,以何種方式來傳輸資料的選擇。當然這些選擇是為了最小化對電池壽命的影響。


Optimizing Downloads for Efficient Network Access[使用有效的網絡連接配接方式來最優化下載下傳]
This lesson introduces the wireless radio state machine, explains how your app’s connectivity model interacts with it, and how you can minimize your data connection and use prefetching and bundling to minimize the battery drain associated with your data transfers.

Minimizing the Effect of Regular Updates[最優化正常更新操作的效果]

This lesson will examine how your refresh frequency can be varied to best mitigate the effect of background updates on the underlying wireless radio state machine.

Redundant Downloads are Redundant[重複的下載下傳是備援的]
The most fundamental way to reduce your downloads is to download only what you need. This lesson introduces some best practices to eliminate redundant downloads.
Modifying your Download Patterns Based on the Connectivity Type[根據網絡連接配接類型來更改下載下傳模式]
When it comes to impact on battery life, not all connection types are created equal. Not only does the Wi-Fi radio use significantly less battery than its wireless radio counterparts, but the radios used in different wireless radio technologies have different battery implications.


