
MAC OSX上搭建Android開發環境


     Android Develop Tools(ADT)下載下傳于官網:http://developer.android.com/sdk/ 


          1. 下載下傳 Eclipse IDE 開發工具

          2. 下載下傳 JAVA SDK

          3. 下載下傳 Android SDK

     我也按照這個步驟下載下傳并安裝了Eclipse,JAVA SDK系統已經自帶,就剩最後一步下載下傳SDK了,但從前面給出的官網下載下傳了ADT發現這個446M的大包貌似已經把一切都準備好了,在http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/bundle.html中說的很清楚:

With a single download, the ADT Bundle includes everything you need to begin developing apps:

Eclipse + ADT plugin

Android SDK Tools

Android Platform-tools

The latest Android platform

The latest Android system image for the emulator

Install the SDK and Eclipse IDE

Unpack the ZIP file (named adt-bundle-<os_platform>.zip) and save it to an appropriate location, such as a "Development" directory in your home directory.

Open the adt-bundle-<os_platform>/eclipse/ directory and launch eclipse.

That's it! The IDE is already loaded with the Android Developer Tools plugin and the SDK is ready to go. To start developing, read Building Your First App.

