
李開複——21 世紀最需要的 7 種人才

創新實踐者——What matters is not innovation , but useful innovation。

跨領域合成者——What matters is not analysis but synthesis。

三商合作者——EQ is 9 times more important than IQ。 

高效能溝通者——The man who can think and does not know how to express what he thinks is at the level of him who cannot think。

熱愛工作者——If you find a job you love , you will never work a day in your life。

積極主動者——In a few hundred years , the most important event those historians will see is that for the first time , people will have a choice. They will have to manage themselves。

樂觀向上者——The glass is half full or half empty depending on whether you’re pouring in or out
